"James K. Lowden" <jklow...@schemamania.org> writes:

Hello James,

> I went to https://pretalx.fosdem.org/fosdem-2025/cfp today.  It says
> the deadline isn't the 15th, but was yesterday!   Am i really too
> late?

Dec 15th is for the schedule announcement: we have ~15 days to read all
the proposals and decide which one we accept. The submission deadline
was indeed yesterday.

> I have two ideas in mind:
> 1.  So, You Need a  Symbol Table?
> Compiler textbooks wave their hands and say you might need a symbol
> table.  Except for LISP, they doen't say what it looks like.  I describe
> our experience with the one I designed.
> 2.  Cobol is the Original Safe Language
> An exploration of what "safe language" means, how those properties
> were present in Cobol long before the concept had a name, and what
> "safety" looks like in gcobol.
> Please tell me what I should do.

I'll send you some instructions.


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