> Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2024 17:07:06 +0100
> Cc: i...@google.com, gcc-patc...@gcc.gnu.org, gcc@gcc.gnu.org
> From: Björn Schäpers <g...@hazardy.de>
> > That was about GetModuleHandle, not about GetModuleHandleEx.  For the
> > latter, all Windows versions that support it also support "wide" APIs.
> > So my suggestion is to use GetModuleHandleExW here.  However, you will
> > need to make sure that notification_data->dll_base is declared as
> > 'wchar_t *', not 'char *'.  If dll_base is declared as 'char *', then
> > only GetModuleHandleExA will work, and you will lose the ability to
> > support file names with non-ASCII characters outside of the current
> > system codepage.
> The dll_base is a PVOID. With the GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS flag 
> GetModuleHandleEx does not look for a name, but uses an adress in the module 
> to 
> get the HMODULE, so you cast it to char* or wchar_t* depending on which 
> function 
> you call. Actually one could just cast the dll_base to HMODULE, at least in 
> win32 on x86 the HMODULE of a dll is always its base adress. But to make it 
> safer and future proof I went the way through GetModuleHandeEx.

In that case, you an call either GetModuleHandeExA or
GetModuleHandeExW, the difference is minor.

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