Brooks Moses wrote:
As per a recent conversation with Steve Kargl on the fortran list, I'm submitting this patch, which adds a small "Documentation" section to the gfortran "home page", right below the "Binaries" section.
Oh, bother. I just noticed that I failed to update the link when I cut- and-pasted from the Binaries section! A corrected patch follows. - Brooks =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/fortran/index.html,v retrieving revision 1.23 diff -c -3 -p -r1.23 index.html *** index.html 23 Jun 2005 20:14:32 -0000 1.23 --- index.html 19 Jul 2005 01:04:15 -0000 *************** A number of people regularly build binar *** 99,104 **** --- 99,109 ---- Links to these can be found in <a href="">the wiki</a>.</p> + <h2>Documentation</h2> + <p>The manuals for release and current-development versions of GNU + Fortran 95 can be downloaded from <a + href="">the GCC documentation page</a>.</p> + <h2>Usage</h2> <p>Here is a short <a href="usage.html">explanation</a> on how to invoke and use the compiler once you have built it (or downloaded the binary).</p>