----Original Message----
>From: Peter O'Gorman
>Sent: 04 May 2005 00:52

> Hash: SHA1
> Dave Korn wrote:
>>   Ok, here's a really *nasty* kludge:  libtool is basically a big script
>> that generates command lines for the other tools based on passed-in args
>> and local configure settings, yeh?  And a lot of the time it's used for
>> lots and lots and lots of library files one after another in exactly the
>> same way, yes?
> <http://libtool-cache.sourceforge.net/>

"  Caching compile commands
gives nice speedups even the first run as the source and target file name
replaced by a generic placeholder before caching (the 2.6 branch of GTK+
requires only 9 different compile commands), ...  "

  Cool!  I'll give it a try and see if I can get some figures!

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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