Richard Earnshaw writes:
 > On Wed, 2005-04-27 at 21:55, Andrew Pinski wrote:
 > > > However, I can always tell when a GCC build has hit the libjava build
 > > > -- that's when the *whole system* suddenly slows to a crawl.  Maybe
 > > > it comes from doing some processing on 5000 foo.o files all at
 > > > once... :-(
 > > 
 > > But that is not GCC fault that binutils cannot handle that load.
 > > 
 > > -- Pinski
 > It's not as simple as just saying "binutils should be able to cope with
 > any number of objects thrown at it".  Part of the problem is that 5000
 > object files exceeds the system limits of the host machine (eg command
 > line length, etc).

If ld can't accept a list of files from a stream but is instead
limited by command line length, then that *is* the fault of ld.


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