On Tuesday, December 16 2014, Mike Stump wrote:

> So, either, the tool should not generate 0 in the output, which, is rather 
> anti-social, or one should strip the funny characters in a more portable 
> fashion.
> tr and cat -v come to mind; both should be pretty portable.
>> OK to apply?
> Try cat | cat -v in there instead.

Thanks, Mike.  WDYT of the attached patch?  It tries to use "grep
--text" if that is available, and falls back to using "cat -v"
otherwise.  Unfortunately, it is necessary to provide the filenames to
grep here:

  CNT=`$GREP '=== .* tests ===' $SUM_FILES | $AWK '{ print $3 }' | sort -u | wc 

so I couldn't use "cat -v $SUM_FILES" directly.


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diff --git a/contrib/dg-extract-results.sh b/contrib/dg-extract-results.sh
index a83c8e8..0ddf25b 100755
--- a/contrib/dg-extract-results.sh
+++ b/contrib/dg-extract-results.sh
@@ -127,13 +127,28 @@ do
 test $ERROR -eq 0 || exit 1
+# Test if grep supports the '--text' option
+if echo -e '\x00foo\x00' | $GREP --text foo > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+  GREP="grep --text"
+  # Our grep does not recognize the '--text' option.  We have to
+  # treat our files in order to remove any non-printable character.
+  for file in $SUM_FILES ; do
+    mv $file ${file}.orig
+    cat -v ${file}.orig > $file
+  done
 if [ -z "$TOOL" ]; then
   # If no tool was specified, all specified summary files must be for
   # the same tool.
-  CNT=`grep '=== .* tests ===' $SUM_FILES | $AWK '{ print $3 }' | sort -u | wc 
+  CNT=`$GREP '=== .* tests ===' $SUM_FILES | $AWK '{ print $3 }' | sort -u | 
wc -l`
   if [ $CNT -eq 1 ]; then
-    TOOL=`grep '=== .* tests ===' $FIRST_SUM | $AWK '{ print $2 }'`
+    TOOL=`$GREP '=== .* tests ===' $FIRST_SUM | $AWK '{ print $2 }'`
     msg "${PROGNAME}: sum files are for multiple tools, specify a tool"
     msg ""
@@ -144,7 +159,7 @@ else
   # Ignore the specified summary files that are not for this tool.  This
   # should keep the relevant files in the same order.
-  SUM_FILES=`grep -l "=== $TOOL" $SUM_FILES`
   if test -z "$SUM_FILES" ; then
     msg "${PROGNAME}: none of the specified files are results for $TOOL"
     exit 1
@@ -233,7 +248,7 @@ else
   for VAR in $VARS
-    grep "Running target $VAR" $SUM_FILES > /dev/null && VARIANTS="$VARIANTS 
+    $GREP "Running target $VAR" $SUM_FILES > /dev/null && VARIANTS="$VARIANTS 
@@ -435,6 +450,6 @@ cat ${TMP}/var-* | $AWK -f $TOTAL_AWK
 # This is ugly, but if there's version output from the compiler under test
 # at the end of the file, we want it.  The other thing that might be there
 # is the final summary counts.
-tail -2 $FIRST_SUM | grep '^#' > /dev/null || tail -2 $FIRST_SUM
+tail -2 $FIRST_SUM | $GREP '^#' > /dev/null || tail -2 $FIRST_SUM
 exit 0

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