Hi again,

On 12/16/2014 11:17 AM, Paolo Carlini wrote:

On 12/15/2014 11:25 PM, Jason Merrill wrote:
Why does error recovery fail? I would expect to be able to just drop the 'friend' and treat it as a normal non-static data member.
I agree, that was my first thought too. Unfortunately we do non-trivial preparatory work *before* calling grokdeclarator based on ds_friend which aren't reverted by locally resetting friendp in grokdeclarator, and, eg, build_this_parm gets a null type even if declspecs->locations[ds_friend] itself is reset right at the beginning of grokdeclarator. I'll try the further investigate the above...
In better detail: grokdeclarator is called, via grokfield, by cp_parser_member_declaration. The latter stores the friendship information in a friend_p local flag, which remains true when grokdeclarator returns. Then at the end of the function:

      if (decl)
          /* Add DECL to the list of members.  */
          if (!friend_p)
        finish_member_declaration (decl);

makes all the difference for the crash. Now, I could try resetting in grokdeclarator the primary ds_friend information as stored in the decl_specifiers and read it back, thus update friend_p in cp_parser_member_declaration. It would probably work, but frankly this fiddling only for error recovery makes me a little nervous. What do you think?


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