CCing Sebastian.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bin.Cheng <>
Date: Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [PATCH PR62178]Improve candidate selecting in IVOPT, 2nd try.
To: Richard Biener <>
Cc: Bin Cheng <>, GCC Patches
<>, Zdenek Dvorak <>

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Richard Biener
<> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 10:56 AM, Bin.Cheng <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 9:47 PM, Richard Biener
>> <> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 1:15 PM, Bin Cheng <> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Though PR62178 is hidden by recent cost change in aarch64 backend, the 
>>>> ivopt
>>>> issue still exists.
>>>> Current candidate selecting algorithm tends to select fewer candidates 
>>>> given
>>>> below reasons:
>>>>   1) to better handle loops with many induction uses but the best choice is
>>>> one generic basic induction variable;
>>>>   2) to keep compilation time low.
>>>> One fundamental weakness of the strategy is the opposite situation can't be
>>>> handled properly sometimes.  For these cases the best choice is each
>>>> induction variable has its own candidate.
>>>> This patch fixes the problem by shuffling candidate set after fix-point is
>>>> reached by current implementation.  The reason why this strategy works is 
>>>> it
>>>> replaces candidate set by selecting local optimal candidate for some
>>>> induction uses, and the new candidate set (has lower cost) is exact what we
>>>> want in the mentioned case.  Instrumentation data shows this can find 
>>>> better
>>>> candidates set for ~6% loops in spec2006 on x86_64, and ~4% on aarch64.
>>>> This patch actually is extension to the first version patch posted at
>>>>, that only adds
>>>> another selecting pass with special seed set (more or less like the 
>>>> shuffled
>>>> set in this patch).  Data also confirms this patch can find optimal sets 
>>>> for
>>>> most loops found by the first one, as well as optimal sets for many new
>>>> loops.
>>>> Bootstrap and test on x86_64, no regression on benchmarks.  Bootstrap and
>>>> test on aarch64.
>>>> Since this patch only selects candidate set with lower cost, any 
>>>> regressions
>>>> revealed are latent bugs of other components in GCC.
>>>> I also collected GCC bootstrap time on x86_64, no regression either.
>>>> Is this OK?
>>> The algorithm seems to be quadratic in the number of IV candidates
>>> (at least):
>> Yes, I worried about that too, that's why I measured the bootstrap
>> time.  One way is restrict this procedure one time for each loop.  I
>> already tried that and it can capture +90% loops.  Is this sounds
>> reasonable?
> Yes.  That's my suggestion to handle it in the caller of try_improve_iv_set?
>> BTW, do we have some compilation time benchmarks for GCC?
> There are various testcases linked from PR47344, I don't remember
> any particular one putting load on IVOPTs (but I do remember seeing
> IVOPTs in the ~25% area in -ftime-report for some testcases).

Hi Jeff & Richard,
I updated patch according to your review comments.  Is this version looks good?
I didn't find cases in PR47344 which exercising IVOPT, but I produced
one case from PR53852 which runs ivopt for ~17% of total time (28s).
This patch does increase IVOPT time to 18%.  Unfortunately, I tried
the other restriction, it doesn't work as well as this one on spec2k6,
if I understood the method correctly.

Hi Sebastian,
Thanks for help!  I managed to run llvm compilation time tests
successfully as you suggested.  Case
Multisource/Benchmarks/mafft/pairlocalalign is regressed but I can't
reproduce it in cmd.  The running time of compilation of
pairlocalalign.c is too small comparing to the results.  I also tried
to invoke it by using but no lucky either.  So any
documentation on this?  Thanks very much!


2014-12-16  Bin Cheng  <>

    PR tree-optimization/62178
    * tree-ssa-loop-ivopts.c (cheaper_cost_with_cand): New function.
    (iv_ca_replace): New function.
    (try_improve_iv_set): New parameter try_replace_p.
    Replace candidates in IVS by calling iv_ca_replace.
    (find_optimal_iv_set_1): Pass new argument to try_improve_iv_set.

2014-12-16  Bin Cheng  <>

    PR tree-optimization/62178
    * New test.
Index: gcc/tree-ssa-loop-ivopts.c
--- gcc/tree-ssa-loop-ivopts.c  (revision 218200)
+++ gcc/tree-ssa-loop-ivopts.c  (working copy)
@@ -5862,6 +5862,127 @@ iv_ca_prune (struct ivopts_data *data, struct iv_c
   return best_cost;
+/* Check if CAND_IDX is a candidate other than OLD_CAND and has
+   cheaper local cost for USE than BEST_CP.  Return pointer to
+   the corresponding cost_pair, otherwise just return BEST_CP.  */
+static struct cost_pair*
+cheaper_cost_with_cand (struct ivopts_data *data, struct iv_use *use,
+                       unsigned int cand_idx, struct iv_cand *old_cand,
+                       struct cost_pair *best_cp)
+  struct iv_cand *cand;
+  struct cost_pair *cp;
+  gcc_assert (old_cand != NULL);
+  if (cand_idx == old_cand->id)
+    return best_cp;
+  cand = iv_cand (data, cand_idx);
+  cp = get_use_iv_cost (data, use, cand);
+  if (cp != NULL
+      && (best_cp == NULL || cheaper_cost_pair (cp, best_cp)))
+    return cp;
+  return best_cp;
+/* Try replacing candidates in IVS which are used more than once.  In the
+   first step, this function replaces candidates in IVS with CAND if it
+   has lower local cost.  In the second step, it replaces candidate for
+   any iv use if the use is represented by a candidate has already been
+   replaced in the first step.  In the last step, this function tries to
+   prune the new IVS.  Replacement of candidate is recorded in DELTA.  */
+static comp_cost
+iv_ca_replace (struct ivopts_data *data, struct iv_ca *ivs,
+              struct iv_cand *cand, struct iv_ca_delta **delta)
+  comp_cost cost;
+  unsigned int i, j;
+  bitmap_iterator bi;
+  struct iv_use *use;
+  bool should_replace;
+  struct iv_ca_delta *act, *tmp_delta;
+  struct cost_pair *old_cp, *best_cp = NULL, *cp;
+  *delta = NULL;
+  /*  First step, extend current IVS.  */
+  for (i = 0; i < ivs->upto; i++)
+    {
+      use = iv_use (data, i);
+      old_cp = iv_ca_cand_for_use (ivs, use);
+      if (old_cp && old_cp->cand == cand)
+       continue;
+      /* Skip if the candidate is only used once in IVS.  */
+      if (ivs->n_cand_uses[old_cp->cand->id] == 1)
+       continue;
+      cp = get_use_iv_cost (data, use, cand);
+      if (!cp || !cheaper_cost_pair (cp, old_cp))
+       continue;
+      *delta = iv_ca_delta_add (use, old_cp, cp, *delta);
+    }
+  /* No need for further replacement.  */
+  if (*delta == NULL)
+    return infinite_cost;
+  iv_ca_delta_commit (data, ivs, *delta, true);
+  tmp_delta = NULL;
+  /* Second step, replace candidate for any iv use if the use is
+     represented by a candidate has already been replaced in the
+     first step.  */
+  for (i = 0; i < ivs->upto; i++)
+    {
+      use = iv_use (data, i);
+      old_cp = iv_ca_cand_for_use (ivs, use);
+      if (old_cp->cand == cand)
+       continue;
+      should_replace = false;
+      for (act = *delta; act; act = act->next_change)
+       if (old_cp->cand == act->old_cp->cand)
+         {
+           should_replace = true;
+           break;
+         }
+      if (!should_replace)
+       continue;
+      best_cp = NULL;
+      if (data->consider_all_candidates)
+       for (j = 0; j < n_iv_cands (data); j++)
+         best_cp = cheaper_cost_with_cand (data, use, j,
+                                           old_cp->cand, best_cp);
+      else
+       EXECUTE_IF_SET_IN_BITMAP (use->related_cands, 0, j, bi)
+         best_cp = cheaper_cost_with_cand (data, use, j,
+                                           old_cp->cand, best_cp);
+      if (!best_cp)
+       continue;
+      tmp_delta = iv_ca_delta_add (use, old_cp, best_cp, tmp_delta);
+    }
+  cost = iv_ca_cost (ivs);
+  /* Last step, prune IVS if necessary.  */
+  if (tmp_delta)
+    {
+      iv_ca_delta_commit (data, ivs, tmp_delta, true);
+      *delta = iv_ca_delta_join (*delta, tmp_delta);
+      cost = iv_ca_prune (data, ivs, cand, &tmp_delta);
+    }
+  iv_ca_delta_commit (data, ivs, *delta, false);
+  *delta = iv_ca_delta_join (*delta, tmp_delta);
+  return cost;
 /* Tries to extend the sets IVS in the best possible way in order
    to express the USE.  If ORIGINALP is true, prefer candidates from
    the original set of IVs, otherwise favor important candidates not
@@ -5995,10 +6116,13 @@ get_initial_solution (struct ivopts_data *data, bo
   return ivs;
-/* Tries to improve set of induction variables IVS.  */
+/* Tries to improve set of induction variables IVS.  TRY_REPLACE_P
+   points to a bool variable, this function tries to replace IVS at
+   fixed point if it's true.  */
 static bool
-try_improve_iv_set (struct ivopts_data *data, struct iv_ca *ivs)
+try_improve_iv_set (struct ivopts_data *data,
+                   struct iv_ca *ivs, bool *try_replace_p)
   unsigned i, n_ivs;
   comp_cost acost, best_cost = iv_ca_cost (ivs);
@@ -6042,7 +6166,35 @@ static bool
       /* Try removing the candidates from the set instead.  */
       best_cost = iv_ca_prune (data, ivs, NULL, &best_delta);
-      /* Nothing more we can do.  */
+      if (!best_delta && *try_replace_p)
+       {
+         *try_replace_p = false;
+         /* So far candidate selecting algorithm tends to choose fewer IVs
+            so that it can handle cases in which loops have many variables
+            but the best choice is often to use only one general biv.  One
+            weakness is it can't handle opposite cases, in which different
+            candidates should be chosen with respect to each use.  To solve
+            the problem, we replace candidates in a manner described by the
+            comments of iv_ca_replace, thus give general algorithm a chance
+            to break local optimal fixed-point in these cases.  */
+         for (i = 0; i < n_iv_cands (data); i++)
+           {
+             cand = iv_cand (data, i);
+             if (iv_ca_cand_used_p (ivs, cand))
+               continue;
+             acost = iv_ca_replace (data, ivs, cand, &act_delta);
+             if (compare_costs (acost, best_cost) < 0)
+               {
+                 best_cost = acost;
+                 iv_ca_delta_free (&best_delta);
+                 best_delta = act_delta;
+               }
+             else
+               iv_ca_delta_free (&act_delta);
+           }
+       }
       if (!best_delta)
        return false;
@@ -6061,6 +6213,7 @@ static struct iv_ca *
 find_optimal_iv_set_1 (struct ivopts_data *data, bool originalp)
   struct iv_ca *set;
+  bool try_replace_p = true;
   /* Get the initial solution.  */
   set = get_initial_solution (data, originalp);
@@ -6077,7 +6230,7 @@ find_optimal_iv_set_1 (struct ivopts_data *data, b
       iv_ca_dump (data, dump_file, set);
-  while (try_improve_iv_set (data, set))
+  while (try_improve_iv_set (data, set, &try_replace_p))
       if (dump_file && (dump_flags & TDF_DETAILS))
Index: gcc/testsuite/
--- gcc/testsuite/  (revision 0)
+++ gcc/testsuite/  (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/* { dg-do compile } */
+/* { dg-options "-O3" } */
+int a[30 +1][30 +1], b[30 +1][30 +1], r[30 +1][30 +1];
+void foo (void) {
+  int i, j, k;
+  for ( i = 1; i <= 30; i++ )
+    for ( j = 1; j <= 30; j++ ) {
+      r[i][j] = 0;
+      for(k = 1; k <= 30; k++ )
+        r[i][j] += a[i][k]*b[k][j];
+    }
+/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "ld1r\\t\{v\[0-9\]+\."} } */

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