I've applied this patch to update c99status.html for the recent changes 
regarding extended identifiers.  The remaining known C99/C11 conformance 
issues (beyond ordinary bugs) are all floating-point issues (mostly but 
not entirely Annex F/G).

Index: c99status.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/c99status.html,v
retrieving revision 1.62
diff -u -r1.62 c99status.html
--- c99status.html      27 Oct 2013 15:41:51 -0000      1.62
+++ c99status.html      6 Nov 2014 21:18:36 -0000
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
 <h1>Status of C99 features in GCC</h1>
 <p>C99 is substantially completely supported as of GCC 4.5
-(with <code>-std=c99 -pedantic-errors</code> used), modulo bugs,
-extended identifiers (supported except for corner cases
-when <code>-fextended-identifiers</code> is used), and floating-point
+(with <code>-std=c99 -pedantic-errors</code> used;
+<code>-fextended-identifiers</code> also needed to enable extended
+identifiers before GCC 5), modulo bugs and floating-point
 issues (mainly but not entirely relating to optional C99 features from
 Annexes F and G).  The following table gives more details of the C99
 support in different GCC versions.</p>
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
 if additional compiler features could be useful in conjunction with
 it.  It is assumed that GCC is used with <code>-std=c99
 -pedantic-errors</code> (for versions 3.0 and later), as well
-as <code>-fextended-identifiers</code> in the case of that feature.
+as <code>-fextended-identifiers</code> in the case of that feature
+before GCC 5.
 Where library cooperation is required, it is assumed that a recent
 version of the GNU C Library is in use, and support with other C
 libraries may be less good.  Where the version listed is before GCC
@@ -138,8 +139,9 @@
 <tr><td><em>extended identifiers</em></td>
     <td>GCC 4.1</td>
-    <td>Requires <code>-fextended-identifiers</code> and some corner
-    cases may be broken.</td>
+    <td>Some corner cases were fixed in GCC 5;
+    <code>-fextended-identifiers</code> was needed to enable this
+    feature before that version.</td>
 <tr><td><em>hexadecimal floating-point constants and

Joseph S. Myers

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