At present, I use telnet (without password), login to microblaze qemu
successfully!  :-)

 - I compile busy box with the glibc in orginal 'ramfs', so get telnetd:
   use new busybox replace the old one, and add symbol link 'telnetd' to
   busybox in "/bin".

 - configure qemu with network support (device "xlnx.xps-ethernetlite").

   yum install libvirt
   yum install tunctl
   tunctl -b
   ip link set tap0 up
   brctl addif virbr0 tap0
   ./microblaze-softmmu/qemu-system-microblaze -M petalogix-s3adsp1800 \
     -kernel ../linux-stable.microblaze/arch/microblaze/boot/linux.bin \
     -no-reboot -append "console=ttyUL0,115200 doreboot" -nographic \
     -net nic,vlan=0,model=xlnx.xps-ethernetlite,macaddr=00:16:35:AF:94:00 \
     -net tap,vlan=0,ifname=tap0,script=no,downscript=no

 - fix a kernel bug: add "xlnx,xps-ethernetlite-2.00.b" for compatible
   with its firmware (can find it under "/sys/firmware..../compatible",
   within microblaze qemu bash environments). Related diff:

   diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/xilinx_emaclite.c 
   index 28dbbdc..298fad3 100644
   --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/xilinx_emaclite.c
   +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/xilinx/xilinx_emaclite.c
   @@ -1236,6 +1236,7 @@ static struct of_device_id xemaclite_of_match[] = {
           { .compatible = "xlnx,opb-ethernetlite-1.01.b", },
           { .compatible = "xlnx,xps-ethernetlite-1.00.a", },
           { .compatible = "xlnx,xps-ethernetlite-2.00.a", },
   +       { .compatible = "xlnx,xps-ethernetlite-2.00.b", },
           { .compatible = "xlnx,xps-ethernetlite-2.01.a", },
           { .compatible = "xlnx,xps-ethernetlite-3.00.a", },
           { /* end of list */ },

Next, I shall send related kernel patch for upstream kernel, and continue
for microbaze DejaGNU with microbaze qemu, and sorry again, I did not
finish it within this month.


On 10/30/14 22:04, Chen Gang wrote:
> On 10/29/14 23:58, Chen Gang wrote:
>> On 10/27/14 9:42, Chen Gang wrote:
>>> On 10/27/14 2:22, Michael Eager wrote:
>>>> Microblaze-sim provides basic instruction set architecture and memory 
>>>> simulation.
>>>> There is no operating system support.  (It's also quite old.  I'm not sure
>>>> which version of the MB architecture it models, but it is not recent.)
>>>> Microblaze-sim is not a full system simulator, like QEMU.  To be able to
>>>> run a program which requires glibc, you need to be able to boot a full 
>>>> Linux
>>>> image on the simulator, which microblaze-sim cannot do.  QEMU models an
>>>> entire processor and can boot a Linux image.
>> At present, run upstream qemu 2.1.2 and upstream Linux kernel 3.17-rc7
>> with simple ramfs successfully. Via modify ramfs, can run hello world
>> program with static glibc (built by upstream mc_gcc), successfully.
> After copy the ramfs' "/lib" and "/usr/lib" to outside, build the hello
> world program again with the dynamic glibc, then put it to ramfs. The
> hello world program with dynamic glibc can run correctly inside qemu :-)
> Next, I need focus on networking (I have found qemu related device, and
> kernel related device, and I also know, it needs telnetd in busy box).
> But sorry, it seems I can not finish within this month :-(
>  - I wasted much time resources on choosing qemu or sim, next I should
>    notice about it (do not waste time, again).
>  - and another excuse is: I have to do it in my free time (within 2.5
>    hours per day, in average). My current job is not related with it
>    (at present, it is about Global Platform Java applet for iPhone OS).
> Next month:
>  - I should finish microblaze qemu test under DejaGNU, should finish
>    within next month (2014-11-30).
>  - I also shall start tile cross compiling for gcc/binutils, and use it
>    to Linux kernel, and test it with qemu. I shall try to finish them
>    within 2 months (finish before 2014-12-31).
>  - At least, finish 1 patch for gcc, 1 patch for binutils, 1 patch for
>    qemu/kvm/xen, 3 patches for kernel, within next month (2014-11-30).
> Welcome any ideas, suggestions or completions.
> Thanks.
>>  - For ramfs:
>>    wget 
>>  - Related qemu command:
>>    ./microblaze-softmmu/qemu-system-microblaze -M petalogix-s3adsp1800 \
>>      -kernel ../linux-stable.microblaze/arch/microblaze/boot/linux.bin \
>>      -no-reboot -append "console=ttyUL0,115200 doreboot" -nographic
>> Next, I shall try to let our gdb and DejaGNU work for it:
>>  - How to let qemu support network and rsh (ramfs need telnetd, kernel
>>    may need related driver, and qemu related hardware need be tested).
>>  - Let gdb work for it, then config DejaGNU (need we test the program
>>    with dynamic glib, it will be fail now for not match glibc version
>>    in ramfs).
>>  - At last, run our test.
>> It seems, still many things need trying. Welcome any ideas, suggestions,
>> and completions for it (especially for ramfs network and/or glibc, and
>> DejaGNU configuration ...).
>> Thanks.
>>> OK, thank you very much, I shall rewind to qemu, and should try my best
>>> to finish within within this month.
>> Thanks

Chen Gang

Open, share, and attitude like air, water, and life which God blessed

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