This patch adds missing semantic checks to the implementation of the Ada2012 aspect Default_Storage_Pool.
Compiling bdb3dbm0.adb must yield: bdb3dbm0.adb:17:45: default storage pool must be a variable bdb3dbm0.adb:19:33: expected type "System.Storage_Pools.Root_Storage_Pool'CLASS" bdb3dbm0.adb:19:33: found type "Non_Pool_Type" defined at line 11 bdb3dbm0.adb:23:36: default storage pool must be a variable --- with FDB0A00; with System.Storage_Elements; procedure BDB3DBM0 is Pool : aliased FDB0A00.Stack_Heap (Water_Line => 24); type Frozen_Pool_Type is access constant FDB0A00.Stack_Heap; Frozen_Pool : Frozen_Pool_Type := Pool'Access; type Non_Pool_Type is tagged null record; Non_Pool : Non_Pool_Type; pragma Default_Storage_Pool (Pool); -- OK. pragma Default_Storage_Pool (Frozen_Pool.all); -- ERROR: pragma Default_Storage_Pool (Non_Pool_Type); -- ERROR: procedure Constant_Pool (Local_Pool : in FDB0A00.Stack_Heap) is pragma Default_Storage_Pool (Local_Pool); -- ERROR: type String_Access is access String; S : String_Access; begin S := new String'("Hello"); end Constant_Pool; begin Constant_Pool (Pool); end BDB3DBM0; --- with Report; with System.Storage_Pools; with System.Storage_Elements; package FDB0A00 is type Stack_Heap( Water_Line: System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count ) is new System.Storage_Pools.Root_Storage_Pool with private; procedure Allocate( Pool : in out Stack_Heap; Storage_Address : out System.Address; Size_In_Storage_Elements : in System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count; Alignment : in System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count); procedure Deallocate( Pool : in out Stack_Heap; Storage_Address : in System.Address; Size_In_Storage_Elements : in System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count; Alignment : in System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count); function Storage_Size( Pool: in Stack_Heap ) return System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count; function TC_Largest_Request return System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count; Pool_Overflow : exception; private type Data_Array is array(System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count range <>) of System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Element; type Stack_Heap( Water_Line: System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count ) is new System.Storage_Pools.Root_Storage_Pool with record Data : Data_Array(1..Water_Line); Avail : System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count := 1; end record; end FDB0A00; -- pragma Elaboration_Checks (Dynamic); PACKAGE REPORT IS pragma Elaborate_Body; SUBTYPE FILE_NUM IS INTEGER RANGE 1..3; PROCEDURE TEST (NAME : STRING; DESCR : STRING ); PROCEDURE FAILED (DESCR : STRING ); PROCEDURE NOT_APPLICABLE (DESCR : STRING ); PROCEDURE SPECIAL_ACTION (DESCR : STRING ); PROCEDURE COMMENT (DESCR : STRING ); PROCEDURE RESULT; FUNCTION IDENT_INT (X : INTEGER ) RETURN INTEGER; FUNCTION IDENT_CHAR (X : CHARACTER ) RETURN CHARACTER; FUNCTION IDENT_WIDE_CHAR (X : WIDE_CHARACTER) RETURN WIDE_CHARACTER; FUNCTION IDENT_BOOL (X : BOOLEAN ) RETURN BOOLEAN; FUNCTION IDENT_STR (X : STRING ) RETURN STRING; FUNCTION IDENT_WIDE_STR (X : WIDE_STRING ) RETURN WIDE_STRING; FUNCTION EQUAL (X, Y : INTEGER ) RETURN BOOLEAN; FUNCTION LEGAL_FILE_NAME (X : FILE_NUM := 1; NAM : STRING := "") RETURN STRING; END REPORT; Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk 2014-10-31 Ed Schonberg <> * freeze.adb (Freeze_Entity): A default_pool does not apply to internal access types generated for 'access references. * sem_prag (Analyze_Pragma, case Default_Pool): If the name is not null it must designate a variable.
Index: sem_prag.adb =================================================================== --- sem_prag.adb (revision 216925) +++ sem_prag.adb (working copy) @@ -12945,11 +12945,16 @@ end if; -- The expected type for a non-"null" argument is - -- Root_Storage_Pool'Class. + -- Root_Storage_Pool'Class, and the pool must be a variable. Analyze_And_Resolve (Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg1), Typ => Class_Wide_Type (RTE (RE_Root_Storage_Pool))); + + if not Is_Variable (Expression (Arg1)) then + Error_Pragma_Arg + ("default storage pool must be a variable", Arg1); + end if; end if; -- Finally, record the pool name (or null). Freeze.Freeze_Entity Index: freeze.adb =================================================================== --- freeze.adb (revision 216956) +++ freeze.adb (working copy) @@ -5383,8 +5383,13 @@ Check_Suspicious_Modulus (E); end if; + -- the pool applies to named and anonymous access types, but not + -- to subprogram and to internal types generated for 'Access + -- references. + elsif Is_Access_Type (E) and then not Is_Access_Subprogram_Type (E) + and then Ekind (E) /= E_Access_Attribute_Type then -- If a pragma Default_Storage_Pool applies, and this type has no -- Storage_Pool or Storage_Size clause (which must have occurred