This removes unreachable code for back-end inlining in Expand_Call.

No functional changes.

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2014-10-31  Eric Botcazou  <>

        * exp_ch6.adb (Do_Inline): Remove unreachable code.
        (Do_Inline_Always): Likewise.

Index: exp_ch6.adb
--- exp_ch6.adb (revision 216925)
+++ exp_ch6.adb (working copy)
@@ -1998,19 +1998,6 @@
       --  expression for the value of the actual, EF is the entity for the
       --  extra formal.
-      procedure Do_Inline (Subp : Entity_Id; Orig_Subp : Entity_Id);
-      --  Check and inline the body of Subp. Invoked when compiling with
-      --  optimizations enabled and Subp has pragma inline or inline always.
-      --  If the subprogram is a renaming, or if it is inherited, then Subp
-      --  references the renamed entity and Orig_Subp is the entity of the
-      --  call node N.
-      procedure Do_Inline_Always (Subp : Entity_Id; Orig_Subp : Entity_Id);
-      --  Check and inline the body of Subp. Invoked when compiling without
-      --  optimizations and Subp has pragma inline always. If the subprogram is
-      --  a renaming, or if it is inherited, then Subp references the renamed
-      --  entity and Orig_Subp is the entity of the call node N.
       function Inherited_From_Formal (S : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id;
       --  Within an instance, a type derived from an untagged formal derived
       --  type inherits from the original parent, not from the actual. The
@@ -2097,211 +2084,6 @@
          end if;
       end Add_Extra_Actual;
-      ----------------
-      --  Do_Inline --
-      ----------------
-      procedure Do_Inline (Subp : Entity_Id; Orig_Subp : Entity_Id) is
-         Spec : constant Node_Id := Unit_Declaration_Node (Subp);
-         procedure Do_Backend_Inline;
-         --  Check that the call can be safely passed to the backend. If true
-         --  then register the enclosing unit of Subp to Inlined_Bodies so that
-         --  the body of Subp can be retrieved and analyzed by the backend.
-         -----------------------
-         -- Do_Backend_Inline --
-         -----------------------
-         procedure Do_Backend_Inline is
-         begin
-            --  No extra test needed for init subprograms since we know they
-            --  are available to the backend.
-            if Is_Init_Proc (Subp) then
-               Add_Inlined_Body (Subp);
-               Register_Backend_Call (Call_Node);
-            --  Verify that if the body to inline is located in the current
-            --  unit the inlining does not occur earlier. This avoids
-            --  order-of-elaboration problems in the back end.
-            elsif In_Same_Extended_Unit (Call_Node, Subp)
-              and then Nkind (Spec) = N_Subprogram_Declaration
-              and then Earlier_In_Extended_Unit
-                         (Loc, Sloc (Body_To_Inline (Spec)))
-            then
-               Error_Msg_NE
-                 ("cannot inline& (body not seen yet)??", Call_Node, Subp);
-            else
-               declare
-                  Backend_Inline : Boolean := True;
-               begin
-                  --  If we are compiling a package body that is not the
-                  --  main unit, it must be for inlining/instantiation
-                  --  purposes, in which case we inline the call to insure
-                  --  that the same temporaries are generated when compiling
-                  --  the body by itself. Otherwise link errors can occur.
-                  --  If the function being called is itself in the main
-                  --  unit, we cannot inline, because there is a risk of
-                  --  double elaboration and/or circularity: the inlining
-                  --  can make visible a private entity in the body of the
-                  --  main unit, that gigi will see before its sees its
-                  --  proper definition.
-                  if not (In_Extended_Main_Code_Unit (Call_Node))
-                    and then In_Package_Body
-                  then
-                     Backend_Inline :=
-                       not In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit (Subp);
-                  end if;
-                  if Backend_Inline then
-                     Add_Inlined_Body (Subp);
-                     Register_Backend_Call (Call_Node);
-                  end if;
-               end;
-            end if;
-         end Do_Backend_Inline;
-      --  Start of processing for Do_Inline
-      begin
-         --  Verify that the body to inline has already been seen
-         if No (Spec)
-           or else Nkind (Spec) /= N_Subprogram_Declaration
-           or else No (Body_To_Inline (Spec))
-         then
-            if Comes_From_Source (Subp)
-              and then Must_Inline (Subp)
-            then
-               Cannot_Inline
-                 ("cannot inline& (body not seen yet)?", Call_Node, Subp);
-            --  Let the back end handle it
-            else
-               Do_Backend_Inline;
-               return;
-            end if;
-         --  If this an inherited function that returns a private type, do not
-         --  inline if the full view is an unconstrained array, because such
-         --  calls cannot be inlined.
-         elsif Present (Orig_Subp)
-           and then Is_Array_Type (Etype (Orig_Subp))
-           and then not Is_Constrained (Etype (Orig_Subp))
-         then
-            Cannot_Inline
-              ("cannot inline& (unconstrained array)?", Call_Node, Subp);
-         else
-            Expand_Inlined_Call (Call_Node, Subp, Orig_Subp);
-         end if;
-      end Do_Inline;
-      ----------------------
-      -- Do_Inline_Always --
-      ----------------------
-      procedure Do_Inline_Always (Subp : Entity_Id; Orig_Subp : Entity_Id) is
-         Spec    : constant Node_Id := Unit_Declaration_Node (Subp);
-         Body_Id : Entity_Id;
-      begin
-         if No (Spec)
-           or else Nkind (Spec) /= N_Subprogram_Declaration
-           or else No (Body_To_Inline (Spec))
-           or else Serious_Errors_Detected /= 0
-         then
-            return;
-         end if;
-         Body_Id := Corresponding_Body (Spec);
-         --  Verify that the body to inline has already been seen
-         if No (Body_Id)
-           or else not Analyzed (Body_Id)
-         then
-            Set_Is_Inlined (Subp, False);
-            if Comes_From_Source (Subp) then
-               --  Report a warning only if the call is located in the unit of
-               --  the called subprogram; otherwise it is an error.
-               if not In_Same_Extended_Unit (Call_Node, Subp) then
-                  Cannot_Inline
-                    ("cannot inline& (body not seen yet)?", Call_Node, Subp,
-                     Is_Serious => True);
-               elsif In_Open_Scopes (Subp) then
-                  --  For backward compatibility we generate the same error
-                  --  or warning of the previous implementation. This will
-                  --  be changed when we definitely incorporate the new
-                  --  support ???
-                  if Front_End_Inlining
-                    and then Optimization_Level = 0
-                  then
-                     Error_Msg_N
-                       ("call to recursive subprogram cannot be inlined?p?",
-                        N);
-                  --  Do not emit error compiling runtime packages
-                  elsif Is_Predefined_File_Name
-                    (Unit_File_Name (Get_Source_Unit (Subp)))
-                  then
-                     Error_Msg_N
-                       ("call to recursive subprogram cannot be inlined??",
-                        N);
-                  else
-                     Error_Msg_N
-                       ("call to recursive subprogram cannot be inlined",
-                        N);
-                  end if;
-               else
-                  Cannot_Inline
-                    ("cannot inline& (body not seen yet)?", Call_Node, Subp);
-               end if;
-            end if;
-            return;
-         --  If this an inherited function that returns a private type, do not
-         --  inline if the full view is an unconstrained array, because such
-         --  calls cannot be inlined.
-         elsif Present (Orig_Subp)
-           and then Is_Array_Type (Etype (Orig_Subp))
-           and then not Is_Constrained (Etype (Orig_Subp))
-         then
-            Cannot_Inline
-              ("cannot inline& (unconstrained array)?", Call_Node, Subp);
-         --  If the called subprogram comes from an instance in the same
-         --  unit, and the instance is not yet frozen, inlining might
-         --  trigger order-of-elaboration problems.
-         elsif In_Unfrozen_Instance (Scope (Subp)) then
-            Cannot_Inline
-              ("cannot inline& (unfrozen instance)?", Call_Node, Subp);
-         else
-            Expand_Inlined_Call (Call_Node, Subp, Orig_Subp);
-         end if;
-      end Do_Inline_Always;
       -- Inherited_From_Formal --
@@ -3941,39 +3723,12 @@
                Set_Needs_Debug_Info (Subp, False);
             end if;
-         --  Frontend expansion of supported functions returning unconstrained
-         --  types and simple renamings inlined by the frontend (see Freeze.
-         --  Build_Renamed_Entity).
+         --  Front end expansion of simple functions returning unconstrained
+         --  types (see Check_And_Split_Unconstrained_Function) and simple
+         --  renamings inlined by the front end (see Build_Renamed_Entity).
-            declare
-               Spec : constant Node_Id := Unit_Declaration_Node (Subp);
-            begin
-               if Must_Inline (Subp) then
-                  if In_Extended_Main_Code_Unit (Call_Node)
-                    and then In_Same_Extended_Unit (Sloc (Spec), Loc)
-                    and then not Has_Completion (Subp)
-                  then
-                     Cannot_Inline
-                       ("cannot inline& (body not seen yet)?",
-                        Call_Node, Subp);
-                  else
-                     Do_Inline_Always (Subp, Orig_Subp);
-                  end if;
-               elsif Optimization_Level > 0 then
-                  Do_Inline (Subp, Orig_Subp);
-               end if;
-               --  The call may have been inlined or may have been passed to
-               --  the backend. No further action needed if it was inlined.
-               if Nkind (N) /= N_Function_Call then
-                  return;
-               end if;
-            end;
+            Expand_Inlined_Call (Call_Node, Subp, Orig_Subp);
          end if;
       end if;

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