On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 10:09 AM, Yury Gribov <y.gri...@samsung.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is a second version of patch which adds a Vim config (.local.vimrc)
> to root folder to allow automatic setup of GNU formatting for C/C++/Java/Lex
> GCC files.
> I've updated the code with comments from Richard and Bernhard (which fixed
> formatting
> of lonely closing bracket).
> The patch caused a lively debate with Segher who wanted .local.vimrc to not
> be enabled
> by default. We basically have two options:
> 1) put .local.vimrc to root (just like .dir-locals.el config for Emacs)
> 2) put both .local.vimrc and .dir-locals.el to contrib and add Makefile
> targets
> to create symlinks in root folder per user's request
> I personally prefer 2) because this would IMHO improve the quality of
> patches
> (e.g. no more silly tab-whitespace formatting bugs).
> Thoughts? Ok to commit?

It doesn't handle indenting switch/case correctly.  I get

 switch (x)
   case X:
             int foo;

that is, the { after the case label is wrongly indented.  The same happens

we seem to get two soft-tabs here.


> -Y

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