On 09/08/2014 05:04 PM, Pierre-Marie de Rodat wrote:
It updates statements and shell commands to get/update/combine Binutils
sources, which are now managed under a Git repository.
Here is an update: Tristan pointed out on the other thread that the code
for the simulators (formerly in src/sim) is now also part of the
Binutils/GDB repository, so there is no need to check it out the sim/
directory from the src/ tree.
Index: simtest-howto.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/simtest-howto.html,v
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -r1.29 simtest-howto.html
< <p>The combined tree contains GCC sources plus several modules of
< the <code>src</code> tree: <code>binutils</code> and
< <code>newlib</code> for the build and <code>sim</code> for the
< simulators. If you already build with a combined tree you can use
< your current setup; if not, these instructions will get you the
< sources you need.</p>
> <p>The combined tree contains GCC sources, binutils sources (which
> include the simulators) and the <code>src</code> tree's
> <code>newlib</code> module. If you already build with a combined
> tree you can use your current setup; if not, these instructions will
> get you the sources you need.</p>
< cvs -d :pserver:anon...@sourceware.org:/cvs/src co binutils newlib sim
> cvs -d :pserver:anon...@sourceware.org:/cvs/src co newlib
> </pre>
> <p>Check out the <code>binutils</code> tree:</p>
> <pre>
> cd ${TOP}
> git clone git://sourceware.org/git/binutils-gdb.git
> <p>Update the <code>binutils</code> tree with the following commands
> (again, from the <code>binutils-gdb</code> directory):</p>
> <pre>
> cd ${TOP}/binutils-gdb
> git pull origin master
> </pre>
< cd src && find . -print | cpio -pdlm ../combined && cd ..
< cd gcc && find . -print | cpio -pdlmu ../combined && cd ..
> cd src && find . -print | cpio -pdlm ../combined
&& cd ..
> cd binutils-gdb && find . -print | cpio -pdlmu ../combined
&& cd ..
> cd gcc && find . -print | cpio -pdlmu ../combined
&& cd ..
Pierre-Marie de Rodat