On Thu, 2014-08-14 at 09:56 -0600, Jeff Law wrote:
> On 08/14/14 04:32, Richard Biener wrote:
> >> You'll note in a separate thread Steve and I discussed this during Cauldron
> >> and it was at my recommendation Steve resurrected his proof of concept
> >> plugin and started beating it into shape.
> >
> > But do we really want a pass just to help coremark?
> And that's the biggest argument against Steve's work.  In theory it 
> should be applicable to other FSMs, but nobody's come forth with 
> additional testcases from real world applications.

Maybe a regex library?  Perhaps:
http://vcs.pcre.org/viewvc/code/trunk/pcre_dfa_exec.c?revision=1477 ?


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