If I'm not mistaken, the reason of this bug is incorrect creation of a
poly_bb_p for basic_block from the existing pbb in new_pbb_from_pbb
(It is located in graphite-sese-to-poly.c). I think, that we should
set a new id of pbb1->domain (instead of using the id of the pbb),
which contains pointer to the pbb1.

I found out this after dumping of an index of pbb in the user
statement S_3. Its index is 9. It is created in
rewrite_reduction_out_of_ssa using new_pbb_from_pbb and the pbb with
index 3. After that the user statement S_3 is removed in
build_scop_drs, but the id of the  pbb->domain and the
pbb->transformed point to the old pbb with index 3.

I've attached the patch, which may fix this.

                                   Cheers, Roman Gareev.
Index: gcc/graphite-sese-to-poly.c
--- gcc/graphite-sese-to-poly.c (revision 212995)
+++ gcc/graphite-sese-to-poly.c (working copy)
@@ -2044,6 +2044,10 @@
   pbb1->domain = isl_set_copy (pbb->domain);
+  char name[50];
+  snprintf (name, sizeof (name), "S_%d", pbb_index (pbb1));
+  pbb1->domain = isl_set_set_tuple_id (pbb1->domain,
+                                      isl_id_alloc (scop->ctx, name, pbb1));
   GBB_PBB (gbb1) = pbb1;
   GBB_CONDITIONS (gbb1) = GBB_CONDITIONS (gbb).copy ();

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