On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 11:21 PM, Teresa Johnson <tejohn...@google.com> wrote:
> This patch fixes an ICE due to memory corruption discovered while building a
> large application with FDO and LIPO on the google branch. I don't have a small
> reproducer, but the same code appears on trunk, and I believe it could also
> silently result in incorrect code generation.
> The problem occurs if SRA is applied on a recursive call. In this case,
> the redirect_callers vec below contains the recursive edge from node->node.
> When rebuild_cgraph_edges is invoked, it will free the callee edges of node,
> including the one recorded in redirect_callers. In the case I looked at,
> after rebuilding the cgraph edges for node, the address recorded in
> redirect_callers now pointed to a different cgraph edge, and we later
> got an ICE because the (incorrect) callee that we tried to modify had
> the wrong number of arguments.
> To fix, I simply moved the collection of caller edges to after the cgraph
> edge rebuilding.
> Google ref b/15383777.
> Bootstrapped and tested on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu. Ok for trunk?



> Thanks,
> Teresa
> 2014-06-02  Teresa Johnson  <tejohn...@google.com>
>         * tree-sra.c (modify_function): Record caller nodes after rebuild.
> Index: tree-sra.c
> ===================================================================
> --- tree-sra.c  (revision 211139)
> +++ tree-sra.c  (working copy)
> @@ -4925,12 +4925,15 @@ modify_function (struct cgraph_node *node, ipa_par
>  {
>    struct cgraph_node *new_node;
>    bool cfg_changed;
> -  vec<cgraph_edge_p> redirect_callers = collect_callers_of_node (node);
>    rebuild_cgraph_edges ();
>    free_dominance_info (CDI_DOMINATORS);
>    pop_cfun ();
> +  /* This must be done after rebuilding cgraph edges for node above.
> +     Otherwise any recursive calls to node that are recorded in
> +     redirect_callers will be corrupted.  */
> +  vec<cgraph_edge_p> redirect_callers = collect_callers_of_node (node);
>    new_node = cgraph_function_versioning (node, redirect_callers,
>                                          NULL,
>                                          NULL, false, NULL, NULL, "isra");
> --
> Teresa Johnson | Software Engineer | tejohn...@google.com | 408-460-2413

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