On May 28, 2014, at 7:27 AM, Richard Earnshaw <rearn...@arm.com> wrote:
> Speed of implementation.  We're gradually replacing these with proper
> builtins, but that takes a lot more work.

As an owner of a port with more builtins that yours, I can offer a 
technological solution to reduce the cost of builtins to:

(define_builtin “my_stop"
    (define_outputs [(void_operand 0)])
    (define_rtl_pattern “my_stop" [])

(define_insn “my_stop"
  [(unspec_volatile [(const_int 0)]

for example.  This creates the builtins, allows overloading, allows 
input/output parameters, can reorder operands, allows for complex types, allows 
memory reference parameters, allows pure markings, does vectors, conditional 
availability, generates documentation, creates test suites and more.  If you 
wire up a speaker it even sings.

Someone would have have to step forward with a need and some time to port their 
port over to the new scheme and help with the reason for why the technology 
should go in.  It is mostly contained in 5600 lines of self contained python 
code, and is built to solve the problem generally.  It adds about 800 lines to 
builtins.c.  It has a macro system that is more powerful than the macro system 
.md files use, so one gets to share and collapse builtins rather nicely.  It is 
known to work for C and C++.  Other languages may need extending; C for example 
cost is around 250 lines to support.

One promise, you will never have to create an argument list, or a type, for 
example here is a two output, type input functional instruction with some doc 

(define_mode_iterator MYTYPE
        [V8QI V4HI V2SI DI ...])

(define_builtin “my_foo” "my_foo2_<type>"
    (define_desc    “Doc string for operation")
    (define_outputs [(var_operand:T_MYTYPE 0)
                     (var_operand:T_MYTYPE 1)])
    (define_inputs  [(var_operand:T_MYTYPE 2)
                     (var_operand:T_MYTYPE 3)])
    (define_rtl_pattern “my_foo2_<mode>" [0 2 1 3])
    (attributes [pure])

I stripped it so you can’t know what the instruction was, but you get a flavor 
of multiple outputs, doc bits, pure, overloading, arguments and argument 

Let me know if you’re interested.

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