
On 05/23/2014 10:32 PM, François Dumont wrote:
On 12/05/2014 22:42, Paolo Carlini wrote:

On 05/12/2014 10:14 PM, François Dumont wrote:
Regarding Makefile.in I miss last time. I moved to a new system lately, a Ubuntu based one, and still need to find out what version of automake/autoreconf I need to install. For the moment I have updated Makefile.in manually.
Isn't this clear enough




In fact not that much.
The *first* two lines, before the lines you quoted seem clear enough to me. Anyway, if you are curious about what *I* personally do when in doubt, I find much simpler to open the Makefile.in I want to regenerate. The first line reads:

# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.11.1 from Makefile.am.

which I personally find very clear, I don't know about you ;) About autoconf, likewise I open configure.ac:

# Process this file with autoreconf to produce a configure script.


which seems also very clear to me.


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