I was thinking of something else but it doesn't appear to be good enough
and most likely will follow the suggested way. 

From: Richard Sandiford [rdsandif...@googlemail.com]
Sent: 15 May 2014 22:34
To: Robert Suchanek
Cc: Matthew Fortune; Vladimir Makarov; gcc-patches@gcc.gnu.org; Kyrill Tkachov
Subject: Re: [RFC][PATCH][MIPS] Patch to enable LRA for MIPS backend

Robert Suchanek <robert.sucha...@imgtec.com> writes:
> Are you working on the solution to fix the breakage? I'm about
> to look into this and wanted to find out how far we got with this.

You mean the "cleaner way" I suggested, or something else?
If you want to have a go then feel free.  Otherwise I'll try to get
to it over the weekend.


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