On Wed, Mar 05, 2014 at 10:56:39AM +0400, Yury Gribov wrote:
> >I'm not sure what you asking for here.  But to learn how to format
> >your code, I think just look at the GCC source code and model your
> >code after that.
> >
> >    I am not understanding the standard.For example,should I use \t
> >    instead of space?Should I use 4 spaces as indent or 2?
> My understanding is that GCC coding guidelines
> (http://gcc.gnu.org/contribute.html#standards)
> don't require particular indentation style so you should probably
> stick to a style
> used in particular file (or even particular function).
> That said GCC's lack of indentation standard is IMHO rather unfortunate.

That is not true.  The indentation style is:
(though, some parts of gcc, e.g. libstdc++, use slightly different
indentation/formatting style).  The above also mentions particular options
for GNU indent which set various rules.  -i2 means indentation is by 2
spaces, and the lack of -nut and -tsN options means that tab size is 8
columns and that in the indentation every 8 spaces should be replaced by a


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