On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 03:14:23PM +0000, Iyer, Balaji V wrote:
> > The testcase is GPL as the original libgomp.c++/for-1.C testcase, so sure.
> > Perhaps it would be much better though if instead of having a compile time
> > testcase you'd just do what libgomp.c++/for-1.C does, just replace all the
> > #pragma omp parallel for in there with _Cilk_for and turn it into a runtime
> > testcase.
> > 

> I really don't want to do that because I don't think there is a 1:1
> match-up between the rules of #pragma omp for and _Cilk_for.

But there is nothing OpenMP specific on any of the tests, all could as well
be tested by removing all the #pragma omp ... lines and just be tested as
normal C+++ loops.  Is there anything that _Cilk_for wouldn't handle?

IMNSHO if you remove all the #pragma omp parallel for lines (even with any
clauses it sometimes has) and replace for with _Cilk_for on the following
line, you should have a valid Cilk+ program.

Only f11 would need to be changed from:
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp for nowait
    for (T i = x; i <= y; i += 3)
      baz (i);
#pragma omp single
      T j = y + 3;
      baz (j);
to say:
  _Cilk_for (T i = x; i <= y; i += 3)
    baz (i);
    T j = y + 3;
    baz (j);
so that it performs the same thing.

> > First a minor nit, there is extra newline before _Cilk_for:
> >           newline_and_indent (buffer, spc);
> >           if (flag_cilkplus
> >               && gimple_omp_for_kind (gs) == GF_OMP_FOR_KIND_CILKFOR)
> >             pp_string (buffer, "_Cilk_for (");
> >           else
> >             pp_string (buffer, "for ("); I guess for _Cilk_for collapse is 
> > never > 1,
> > right?  If that is the case, then perhaps you should move the
> > newline_and_indent (buffer, spc); call into the else block.
> > 
> OK. I will fix this and send you a patch? 


> > More importantly, what is retval.1?  I'd expect you should be using retval.0
> > there and have it also as firstprivate(retval.0) on the parallel.
> > In *.omplower dump I actually see:
> >         retval.0 = operator-<int> (D.2885, &i); ...
> >                             retval.1 = operator-<int> (D.2888, &i); i.e. 
> > operator-<int> is
> > called twice.
> > 
> Yes, one is for the if-clause and one is for the condition. It really doesn't 
> matter because we get of the stuff in the condition and replace with our own 
> for loop with something like the for-loop shown  below. So retval1 doesn't 
> come into picture. It is only alive from parser to the expand_cilk_for 
> function.
> For (i = low; i < high; i++)
> {
>       <_Cilk_for_body>
> }

No, it really does matter.  Just look at the *.optimized dump with -O0 

  retval.0_4 = operator-<int> (_3, &i);
in _Z3foo1JIiE function and
  _4 = .omp_data_i_2(D)->j;
  _5 = J<int>::end (_4);
  retval.1_6 = operator-<int> (_5, &i);
  retval.3_7 = retval.1_6;
in _Z3foo1JIiE._cilk_for_fn.0.  All the 4 statements are dead, you really
shouldn't emit them, even when optimizing, if e.g. the operator- isn't
inline, g++ won't be able to optimize it away.


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