Hi Jerry,

Glad to see you back!

I stumbled on this pr while trying to clean the files left after the tests
(see http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/fortran/2013-10/msg00083.html, note that
gfortran.dg/c_loc_test_22.f90 has already been applied). I have a pending
patch cleaning the remaining files; the full cleaning being blocked by the pr.
With your patch 2 out of 3 files no longer appear. The last one is due to
gfortran.dg/open_negative_unit_1.f90 because foo.txt is not deleted after
the second open. I think this is the intended behavior and I propose the 

--- ../_clean//gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/open_negative_unit_1.f90       
2013-03-20 09:20:18.000000000 +0100
+++ gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/open_negative_unit_1.f90  2013-12-16 
15:51:33.000000000 +0100
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 program nutest
     implicit none
+    logical l
     integer id, ios
     open(newunit=id, file="foo.txt", iostat=ios)
@@ -16,6 +17,14 @@ program nutest
     close(id, status="delete")
+    open(unit=10, file="foo.txt", status="old", iostat=ios)
+    if (ios /= 0) call abort
+    close(10, status="delete")
     open(-10, file="foo.txt", iostat=ios)
     if (ios == 0) call abort
+    inquire(file="foo.txt", exist=l)
+    if (l) call abort
 end program nutest

The first part check that foo.txt exists and delete it.
The inquire checks that the file is not created again.
The test regtest with your patch and abort without it.

> I will conjure up a test case for this.

Unless you have already such a test, I think the above will be enough.



PS Could you please have a look at pr48906 comment 40?
I have the impression that it is fixed and IMO if some issues
remain, it would probably better to open new PR for them.

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