Kenneth Zadeck <> wrote:
>On 12/16/2013 06:19 AM, Richard Biener wrote:
>> On 12/15/13 7:48 PM, Kenneth Zadeck wrote:
>>> On 12/15/2013 11:40 AM, Richard Sandiford wrote:
>>>> Kenneth Zadeck <> writes:
>>>>> it is certainly true that in order to do an unbounded set of
>>>>> you would have to check on every operation.   so my suggestion
>that we
>>>>> should remove the checking from the infinite precision would not
>>>>> this.     but the reality is that there are currently no places in
>>>>> compiler that do this.
>>>>> Currently all of the uses of widest-int are one or two operations,
>>>>> the style of code writing is that you do these and then you deal
>>>>> the overflow at the time that you convert the widest-int to a
>tree.   I
>>>>> think that it is important to maintain the style of programming
>>>>> for a small finite number of computations do not need to check
>>>>> they convert back.
>>>>> The problem with making the buffer size so tight is that we do not
>>>>> an adequate reserves to allow this style for any supportable type.
>>>>> I personally think that 2x + some small n is what we need to have.
>>>>> i am not as familiar with how this is used (or to be used when all
>>>>> the offset math is converted to use wide-int), but there appear to
>>>>> two uses of multiply.    one is the "harmless" mult by 3" and the
>>>>> is where people are trying to compute the size of arrays.    These
>>>>> operations do need to be checked for overflow.    The question
>here is
>>>>> do you want to force those operations to overflow individually or
>do you
>>>>> want to check when you convert out.    Again, i think 2x + some
>>>>> number is what we might want to consider.
>>>> It's a fair question, but personally I think checking for overflow
>>>> on the operation is much more robust.  Checking on conversion
>>>> allow you to stop thinking about overflow, it just changes the way
>>>> think about it: rather than handling explicit overflow flags, you
>>>> to remember to ask "is the range of the unconverted result within
>>>> range of widest_int", which I bet it is something that would be
>>>> forgotten once widest_int & co. are part of the furniture.
>>>> E.g. the SPARC operation (picked only because I remember it):
>>>>        for (i = 0; i < VECTOR_CST_NELTS (arg0); ++i)
>>>>          {
>>>>            tree e0 = VECTOR_CST_ELT (arg0, i);
>>>>            tree e1 = VECTOR_CST_ELT (arg1, i);
>>>>            bool neg1_ovf, neg2_ovf, add1_ovf, add2_ovf;
>>>>            tmp = wi::neg (e1, &neg1_ovf);
>>>>            tmp = wi::add (e0, tmp, SIGNED, &add1_ovf);
>>>>            if (wi::neg_p (tmp))
>>>>          tmp = wi::neg (tmp, &neg2_ovf);
>>>>            else
>>>>          neg2_ovf = false;
>>>>            result = wi::add (result, tmp, SIGNED, &add2_ovf);
>>>>            overflow |= neg1_ovf | neg2_ovf | add1_ovf | add2_ovf;
>>>>          }
>>>>        gcc_assert (!overflow);
>>>>        return wide_int_to_tree (rtype, result);
>>>> seems pretty natural.  If instead it was modelled as a widest_int
>>>> chain without overflow then it would be less obviously correct.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Richard
>>> Let us for the sake of argument assume that this was common code
>>> than code in a particular port, because code in a particular port
>>> know more about the environment than common code is allowed to.
>>> My main point is that this code is in wide-int not widest-int
>because at
>>> this level the writer of this code actually wants to model what the
>>> target wants to do.   So doing the adds in precision and testing
>>> overflow is perfectly fine at every step.    But this loop CANNOT be
>>> written in a style where you tested the overflow at the end because
>>> this is common code you cannot make any assumptions about the
>>> mode on the machine.     If the buffer was 2x + n in size, then it
>>> be reasonably safe to assume that the number of elements in the
>>> could be represented in an integer and so you could wait till the
>>> I think that my point was that (and i feel a little uncomfortable
>>> putting words in richi's mouth but i believe that this was his point
>>> early on) was that he thinks of the widest int as an infinite
>>> representation.    he was the one who was pushing for the entire rep
>>> be done with a large internal (or perhaps unbounded) rep because he
>>> that this was more natural to not have to think about overflow.    
>>> wanted you to be able to chain a mult and a divide and not see the
>>> product get truncated before the divide was done.    The rep that we
>>> have now really sucks with respect to this because widest int
>>> if you are close to the largest precision on the machine and does
>not if
>>> you are small with respect to that.
>>> My other point is that while you think that the example above is
>>> the experience with double-int is contrary to this.   people will
>>> (and test) the normal modes and anyone trying to use large modes
>>> die a terrible death of a thousand cuts.
>> Well - the cases that matter in practice are
>> 1) the things we have offset_int for - code that does bit vs. byte
>> quantity calculations on addresses or address offsets.  It used
>> either HWI before (and probably still does, and thus is buggy) or
>> double-int.  The usual patter was/is to do host_integerp (t, 0)
>> and then TREE_LOW_CST (t) * BITS_PER_UNIT (oops) or blindly assume
>> that doing things in double-int works (which it does in practice).
>> 2) passes that want to know whether a single operation overflows
>> the multiple-operation and then check overflow after-the-fact is
>> seldomly used - it is, mainly from the frontends which use trees
>> and thus get a sticky TREE_OVERFLOW.  Yes, infinite precision
>> would make this work as well, and yes, originally I thought of
>> basing all of wide-int on an internally infinite precision
>> implementation (and luckily we are close enough that I may end
>> up fixing the implementation detail to work that way ...).
>> With the infinite precision internal rep you'd have explicit
>> truncations and sign-/zero-extensions at the right point and
>> failing to do that before conversion to tree/RTX could have been
>> easily turned into ICEs saying we overflowed and nobody cared.
>> Well.  Let's see how the thing we have now works out.
>i think that you miss the point.   right now on the x86-64, the max
>is 128 +64 bits.   On my private platform it is 256 + 64 bits.
>if, at the tree level, i do a widest-int multiply of two timode values 
>that are large with respect to their precision, i get different answers

>on the two targets.    95% of the existing trunk bugs that we fixed we 
>because people thought that double-int was big enough so that they did 
>not have to care. But what you and richard are saying is that you do 
>need to care (even though none of the code currently does care), but 
>only for rarely executed cases.  With widest-int and a larger buffer we
>could can make that expectation true in all of the places where you get
>in, do some finite work and get out.   In my opinion, being able to do 
>this is the only reason for widest-int and if this does not work 
>reliably, then i would be inclined to convert everything to the
>precision where the definition of what is done is rock solid.   
>to me, if the rep is not completely predictable, then it is not worth 

At the moment we do not have the infinite precision code.  We have offset._int 
which effectively has a precision and widest int which is indeed somewhat 
useless. We have fixed int where you specify your desired infinite precision 
which is better.

Note that we have shifted the double-int host dependence to a widest-int target 
dependence. Which is equally bad.


>> Richard.

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