> This restricts BIT_FIELD_REF bound verification to non-aggegate
> typed bases - otherwise we have to look for trailing arrays and
> such (see the testcase), and Ada may even have more interesting
> cases.
Very likely not, they are equivalent in the end. I have installed the
attached testcase, whose failure has also been fixed by your patch.
2013-11-29 Eric Botcazou <ebotca...@adacore.com>
* gnat.dg/opt29.ad[sb]: New test.
Eric Botcazou
-- { dg-do compile }
-- { dg-options "-O" }
package body Opt29 is
procedure Proc (T : Rec) is
if Derived2 (T.F2.all).Id = T.F1.Id then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
end Opt29;
package Opt29 is
type Word is mod 2**16;
type PID is record
W1, W2: Word;
end record;
type Root1 is tagged record
Id: PID;
end record;
type Root1_Ptr is access all Root1'Class;
type Root2 is tagged null record;
type Root2_Ptr is access all Root2'class;
type Derived2 is new Root2 with record
Id: PID;
end record;
type Rec is record
F1: Root1_Ptr;
F2: Root2_Ptr;
end record;
procedure Proc (T : Rec);
end Opt29;