
The trunk is now in Stage 3.  To repeat what that means: the trunk
is open for general bugfixing, no new features should be added
at this point.  For exceptions consult your friendly release

We have been in Stage 1 for 8 months now.  Now is time to look 
into one of the gazillion regressions we have accumulated.
After about two months of general bugfixing the trunk will go
into Stage 4 aka "branch state" where only regression and
documentation fixes are allowed.  When we reach the requirement
for a release candidate, which is to end up with zero P1 bugs,
the 4.9 branch will be created and Stage 1 will open again.

I have re-prioritized regressions, so here is quality data
with a delta from the current 4.8 branch (trying out sth new ...).

Quality Data

Priority          #   Change from 4.8 branch status
--------        ---   -----------------------
P1               63    + 63
P2              136   +-  0
P3               11    - 14
P4               88    +  2
P5               60    +  7
--------        ---   -----------------------
Total           358    + 58

Previous Report

The next report will be sent when we leave Stage 3.

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