Hi Tobias,

the patch is OK, also for 4.8.  Thanks a lot for fixing this.

Just a couple of nits:

- You may want to remove the output from the test case.

- The two consecutive ifs in

>       if (left != 0B)
>         {
>           if (_F.DA0 != 0B) goto L.2;
>           _F.DA0 = (struct parent *) __builtin_malloc (4);
>           L.2:;
>           *_F.DA0 = *left;
>         }
>       L.1:;
>       if (left != 0B) goto L.4;

are a little bit inelegant.  It is not really important, because
they will be merged on optimization, but if you find an easy
way to do this in the FE code, you might want to consider doing
so.  I would advise against spending a lot of work on this, though :-)


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