.. another thought I had, less esoteric ;) is the following: we use tf_none for two rather different reasons: for SFINAE and to avoid recursive Error routines calls, when we call tsubst (... tf_none, ...) from dump_template_bindings.

I understand, given your reply, that in general in the first case, thus SFINAE, we should avoid all hard errors *but* the one about too deep recursions (barring some sort of powerful infinite recursion detector). What about the second case, however? Should it be different? An error message is being produced in any case, for a reason or another, it shouldn't be prevented or made more difficult only because there is deep recursion somewhere. I think that in that second case we should suppress the error message about too deep recursion too. But how to tell it apart? Looks like we want some sort of separate tf_*, a tf_in_diagnostic, or something, very similar to tf_none, but truly with no exceptions. Actually this vague idea occured to me a number of times, I think having that would help in a number of situations.

What do you think?


(*) Maybe there is third one, like in some recent tweaks Jakub did, but let's leave it alone here.

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