
spotted a few debatable items.

On 07/23/2013 12:45 PM, Ondřej Bílka wrote:
                                        -Ammend D.12.1 [auto.ptr]p2:
                                        +Amend D.12.1 [auto.ptr]p2:
                                        -Ammend [list.capacity] p1:
                                        +Amend [list.capacity] p1:
                                        -Ammend in both:<br>
                                        +Amend in both:<br>
                                        -Ammend p3 Freestanding implementations [compliance]
                                        +Amend p3 Freestanding implementations [compliance]
                                        -Ammend the tuple class template 
declaration in 20.4.2 [tuple.tuple] as
                                        +Amend the tuple class template 
declaration in 20.4.2 [tuple.tuple] as
                                        -Initialisation of atomics:
                                        +Initialization of atomics:
                                         ^       ^
                                 -    // Remeber the PID for the process that 
created the semaphore set
                                 +    // Remember the PID for the process that 
created the semaphore set
                                         ^   ^
ressions should be well-formed, even in absense of access:
ressions should be well-formed, even in absence of access:
                                         ^    ^
              -member function and other acessors return the stored value as a 
              +member function and other accesors return the stored value as a 
                                         ^  ^
I think accessor is fine.
to Review.  Unfortunately the issue was accidently
to Review.  Unfortunately the issue was accidentally
                                         ^        ^
got <tt>swap</tt> for <tt>pair</tt> but accidently
got <tt>swap</tt> for <tt>pair</tt> but accidentally
                                         ^        ^
ects.html#541">LWG 541</a> for how this accidently
ects.html#541">LWG 541</a> for how this accidentally
                                         ^        ^
  issue was voted to WP in Bellevue, but accidently got stepped on by
  issue was voted to WP in Bellevue, but accidentally got stepped on by
                                         ^        ^
   We do not want to be in a position of accidently introducing this
   We do not want to be in a position of accidentally introducing this
                                         ^        ^
r type.  I believe this restriction was accidently removed
r type.  I believe this restriction was accidentally removed
                                         ^        ^
1.2 [func.bind.bind]/p3, p6 and p7 were accidently removed from N2798.
1.2 [func.bind.bind]/p3, p6 and p7 were accidentally removed from N2798.
                                         ^        ^
  - * resized to a value which it cannot accomodate at runtime. Illegal
  + * resized to a value which it cannot accommodate at runtime. Illegal
                                         ^   ^
       -purpose without complications to accomodate other uses:
       +purpose without complications to accommodate other uses:
                                         ^   ^
empting to engineer <tt>forward</tt> to accomodate uses other than perfect
empting to engineer <tt>forward</tt> to accommodate uses other than perfect
                                         ^   ^
            -      type</ins> capable of accomodating 32-bit quantities.
            +      type</ins> capable of accommodating 32-bit quantities.
                                         ^   ^
                    -        contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications 
given therein.
                    +        contributor acknowledgments and/or dedications 
given therein.
                                         ^        ^
         -2010-11-03 Daniel comments and adjustes the currently proposed 
wording changes:
         +2010-11-03 Daniel comments and adjusts the currently proposed wording 
                                         ^    ^
                     -all the other heap alogorithms.  The should be called out 
in the
                     +all the other heap algorithms.  The should be called out 
in the
                            -dynamically allcoated memory, passing ownership of 
dynamically allocated
                            +dynamically allocated memory, passing ownership of 
dynamically allocated
                                         ^   ^
                   -Bellevue: Wording is aleady present in various standards, 
and no-one has come forward with wording.
                   +Bellevue: Wording is already present in various standards, 
and no-one has come forward with wording.
                                         ^ ^
                                 -const, althought they are not member 
functions, and are not specified as
                                 +const, although they are not member 
functions, and are not specified as
                                         ^      ^
                                        -ammend the constructor
                                        +amend the constructor
                                        -ammend the constructor
                                        +amend the constructor
uld.  Comments inside macros written in ancilliary
uld.  Comments inside macros written in ancillary
                                         ^    ^
tside</em></span> our own macros in the ancilliary
tside</em></span> our own macros in the ancillary
                                         ^    ^
lines just vanish.  Since the macros in ancilliary
lines just vanish.  Since the macros in ancillary
                                         ^    ^
                               -   * the apprpriate cast to/from the custom 
pointer class so long as that
                               +   * the appropriate cast to/from the custom 
pointer class so long as that
                                         ^   ^
                              -b) Add an appropiate paragraph similar to 
resolved 25 [lib.algorithms],
                              +b) Add an appropriate paragraph similar to 
resolved 25 [lib.algorithms],
                                         ^     ^
              -appears to be entirely an artefact of the concepts wording.
              +appears to be entirely an artifact of the concepts wording.
                                         ^  ^
     -problem. It should be used for the assignemnt operator, as with the
     +problem. It should be used for the assignment operator, as with the
                                         ^      ^
                                -Missing assignemnt operator:
                                +Missing assignment operator:
                                         ^      ^
ators is considered as QoI, because the assigments wouldn't be
ators is considered as QoI, because the assignments wouldn't be
                                         ^    ^
-So as the decision was made on a wrong asumption, I propose to re-open
+So as the decision was made on a wrong assumption, I propose to re-open
                -       // making future attemps less relevant. So we copy it 
before to
                +       // making future attempts less relevant. So we copy it 
before to
                                         ^     ^
                                      -  becuase a valid iterator is one that 
is known to be nonsingular.
                                      +  because a valid iterator is one that 
is known to be nonsingular.
                                         ^   ^
  constructor is a more serious problem, becuase failure
  constructor is a more serious problem, because failure
                                         ^   ^
           -<p>This change is reasonable becuase it clarifies the intent of this
           +<p>This change is reasonable because it clarifies the intent of this
                                         ^   ^
                               -wording, becaue the new wording requires it.
                               +wording, because the new wording requires it.
                                         ^    ^
        -Last but not least, the current behvaior is not only confusing to the 
        +Last but not least, the current behavior is not only confusing to the 
                                         ^   ^
the longer names allow capabilities and behaviours
the longer names allow capabilities and behaviors
                                         ^     ^
                                   -  // behaviours and guarantees of 
containers and algorithms defined in
                                   +  // behaviors and guarantees of containers 
and algorithms defined in
                                         ^     ^
                                         ^     ^
  is a naive algorithm.  It suffers from cancelling.
  is a naive algorithm.  It suffers from canceling.
                                         ^   ^
                                        -catagories. I recommend to say instead 
that each container::iterator shall satisfy (and thus may refine) the forward
                                        +categories. I recommend to say instead 
that each container::iterator shall satisfy (and thus may refine) the forward
                                         ^  ^
My opinion is that was not meant by the comitee to
My opinion is that was not meant by the committee to
                                         ^    ^
                                      -A comparision of the N2461 header 
<tt>&lt;complex&gt;</tt> synopsis ([complex.syn])
                                      +A comparison of the N2461 header 
<tt>&lt;complex&gt;</tt> synopsis ([complex.syn])
                                         ^      ^
cifies <tt>error_category</tt> equality comparsions based on
cifies <tt>error_category</tt> equality comparisons based on
                                         ^      ^
                    -     C++11, various compability files for shared and static
                    +     C++11, various compatibility files for shared and 
                                         ^     ^
                              -to ensure compatibity from both sides.
                              +to ensure compatibility from both sides.
                                         ^        ^
                                  -   *  compatibilty with a C interface, this 
allows different
                                  +   *  compatibility with a C interface, this 
allows different
                                         ^         ^
ode>, and <code>_Decimal128</code>, for compatibilty with the C programming 
ode>, and <code>_Decimal128</code>, for compatibility with the C programming 
                                         ^         ^
sociative.reqmts] table 69, the runtime comlexity
sociative.reqmts] table 69, the runtime complexity
                                         ^  ^
t>. This was intentionally fixed during conceptification,
t>. This was intentionally fixed during conceptualization,
                                         ^          ^
Hard core jargon ;) I think conceptification can stay.
   -  was that library implementors were concerened about implementation
   +  was that library implementors were concerned about implementation
                                         ^    ^
                                 -lock's constuction.
                                 +lock's construction.
                                         ^    ^
              -<tt>explicit</tt> default contructor is defined in 
              +<tt>explicit</tt> default constructor is defined in 
                                         ^  ^
<a name="1350"></a>1350. [FCD] Implicit contructors accidentally made some library 
types move-only</h3>
<a name="1350"></a>1350. [FCD] Implicit constructors accidentally made some library 
types move-only</h3>
                                         ^  ^
                               -simply a conventient shorthand to factor common 
semantics into a single
                               +simply a convenient shorthand to factor common 
semantics into a single
                                         ^    ^
Tricks</a> wiki page has information on customising the
Tricks</a> wiki page has information on customizing the
                                         ^      ^
rd, rather than the 'region of storage' definiton in
rd, rather than the 'region of storage' definition in
                                         ^      ^
                                -Add new defintions to 17.3 [definitions]:
                                +Add new definitions to 17.3 [definitions]:
                                         ^    ^
le 37, in 21.2.1 [char.traits.require], descibes char_traits::assign
le 37, in 21.2.1 [char.traits.require], describes char_traits::assign
                                         ^   ^
  a minimum an object is declared and is destuctible.
  a minimum an object is declared and is destructible.
                                         ^   ^
                                        -diagnosable semantic rules, which means 
that... "a conforming
                                        +diagnostible semantic rules, which means 
that... "a conforming
                                         ^       ^
Not 100% sure, but diagnostible seems weird (the spelling checker of my Thunderbird agrees ;)
                     -move clause 18.8.2 diectly to Annex D.
                     +move clause 18.8.2 directly to Annex D.
                                         ^ ^
on. Is it possible to implement this as efficently as
on. Is it possible to implement this as efficiently as
                                         ^    ^
                                   -     facilites, which might be undesirable 
in a low-memory environment or
                                   +     facilities, which might be undesirable 
in a low-memory environment or
                                         ^      ^
                               -reserved identifers are in 
[reserved.names], which are a
                               +reserved identifiers are in 
[reserved.names], which are a
                                         ^      ^
                                        -imaginery complex number.  With the 
French locale it parses as a
                                        +imaginary complex number.  With the 
French locale it parses as a
                                         ^     ^
  -enumeration type <tt>posix_errno</tt> immediatly in the namespace 
<tt>std</tt>. One of
  +enumeration type <tt>posix_errno</tt> immediately in the namespace 
<tt>std</tt>. One of
                                         ^       ^
                                        -initialisation write might be 
non-atomic and hence give rise to a data
                                        +initialization write might be 
non-atomic and hence give rise to a data
                                         ^       ^
                                        -initialisation write, but that this 
need not happens-before all the
                                        +initialization write, but that this 
need not happens-before all the
                                         ^       ^
                                        -initialisation. What have I overlooked 
                                        +initialization. What have I overlooked 
                                         ^       ^
                                      -  jsut after the signature.  We need to 
talk to the Project Editor
                                      +  just after the signature.  We need to 
talk to the Project Editor
                                         ^ ^
  although remain concerned about header organisation.
  although remain concerned about header organization.
                                         ^     ^
     -unordered associative container is parameterized [..] by a function 
object Hash
     +unordered associative container is parametrized [..] by a function object 
                                         ^     ^
                  -    with the STL type parameterized allocators, we do not 
need to
                  +    with the STL type parametrized allocators, we do not 
need to
                                         ^     ^
               -   * The class %regex is parameterized around a set of related 
types and
               +   * The class %regex is parametrized around a set of related 
types and
                                         ^     ^
Each unordered associative container is parameterized by <tt>Key</tt>, by a
Each unordered associative container is parametrized by <tt>Key</tt>, by a
                                         ^     ^
Each unordered associative container is parameterized by <tt>Key</tt>, by a
Each unordered associative container is parametrized by <tt>Key</tt>, by a
                                         ^     ^
Each unordered associative container is parameterized by <tt>Key</tt>, by a
Each unordered associative container is parametrized by <tt>Key</tt>, by a
                                         ^     ^
Each unordered associative container is parameterized by <tt>Key</tt>, by a
Each unordered associative container is parametrized by <tt>Key</tt>, by a
                                         ^     ^
  describing the underlying memory pool, parameterized on
  describing the underlying memory pool, parametrized on
                                         ^     ^
        -2 Each associative container is parameterized on <tt>Key</tt> and an 
        +2 Each associative container is parametrized on <tt>Key</tt> and an 
                                         ^     ^
          -Each associative container is parameterized on <tt>Key</tt> and an 
          +Each associative container is parametrized on <tt>Key</tt> and an 
                                         ^     ^
        -2 Each associative container is parameterized on <tt>Key</tt> and an 
        +2 Each associative container is parametrized on <tt>Key</tt> and an 
                                         ^     ^
                 -Each container type is parameterized on a @c Key type, a @c 
Hash type
                 +Each container type is parametrized on a @c Key type, a @c 
Hash type
                                         ^     ^
                 -Each container type is parameterized on a @c Key type, and an 
                 +Each container type is parametrized on a @c Key type, and an 
                                         ^     ^
p_counted_*</code> classes, this one is parameterized on the
p_counted_*</code> classes, this one is parametrized on the
                                         ^     ^
                    -which is a template parameterized on the enum
                    +which is a template parametrized on the enum
                                         ^     ^
           -The base of the hierarchy is parameterized on the lock policy (see 
           +The base of the hierarchy is parametrized on the lock policy (see 
                                         ^     ^
                                        -parameterized on the lock policy, 
right up to
                                        +parametrized on the lock policy, right 
up to
                                         ^     ^
                            -      it is parameterized on the type of the 
characters which it holds.
                            +      it is parametrized on the type of the 
characters which it holds.
                                         ^     ^
                        -as an algorithm parameterized over the number of bits 
<tt>W</tt>. I doubt whether the given generalization
                        +as an algorithm parametrized over the number of bits 
<tt>W</tt>. I doubt whether the given generalization
                                         ^     ^
                                   -// a parameterized type, data members are 
public, etc.).
                                   +// a parametrized type, data members are 
public, etc.).
                                         ^     ^
       -need for the axiom to be further parameterized, and so the axiom can be
       +need for the axiom to be further parametrized, and so the axiom can be
                                         ^     ^
             -    the allocator has been parameterized. Thus, close to optimal
             +    the allocator has been parametrized. Thus, close to optimal
                                         ^     ^
Jargon again, I don't think we want parametrized.


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