Hi Jeff, Richard.

None of the RTL optimzers look at TRAP_IF w.r.t optimiizations.

I've decided to add some code to cprop.c and simplification primetives to 
simply_rtx () this do work once
I fixed cprop to run on my testcase whicg only had functiions which 3 blocks 
currently it think theses nothing 

to do. I'jj submit a patchseparately for that.

I'm currently tracking done a latent bug the cfg cleanup code which triggers a 
control inside basic block abort
due to a (trap_if ((condtion) (const N)) being correctly optimized to ((trap_if 
(const_int 1)(conts_int N)).

I ensure that when the condition is optimized to (const_int 1) that the block 
gets split after the unconditional

trap satisfies control_flow_insn_p () predicate. The splt wroks so that the 
unconditionalĀ  trap_if is the last 

instruction n its blockĀ  but when cfg cleanup is run later it undoes this split 
and merges the blocks again thus
triggering the verify_flow abort.

Anyone know the rational (if any) for treating unconditional traps as control 
flow but not conditional traps.

I would have expected themĀ  to be treated the same w.r.t flow control unless 
the condition is (const_int 0).


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