This patch modifies the processing of pre- and postconditions that apply to
a body that acts as a spec to provide a uniform interface for compiler client
tools. The patch also augments routine Get_Pragma to retrieve delayed pragmas
stored in subprogram contracts.

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2013-07-08  Hristian Kirtchev  <>

        * einfo.adb (Get_Pragma): Handle the retrieval of delayed
        pragmas stored in N_Contract nodes.
        * (Get_Pragma): Update the comment on usage.
        * sem_prag.adb (Check_Precondition_Postcondition): Retain a copy
        of the pragma when it applies to a body that acts as a spec. The
        copy is preanalyzed and chained on the contract of the body.

Index: einfo.adb
--- einfo.adb   (revision 200711)
+++ einfo.adb   (working copy)
@@ -6280,19 +6280,58 @@
    -- Get_Pragma --
-   function Get_Pragma (E  : Entity_Id; Id : Pragma_Id) return Node_Id
-   is
-      N : Node_Id;
+   function Get_Pragma (E : Entity_Id; Id : Pragma_Id) return Node_Id is
+      Is_CDG  : constant Boolean :=
+                  Id = Pragma_Depends or else Id = Pragma_Global;
+      Is_CTC  : constant Boolean :=
+                  Id = Pragma_Contract_Cases or else Id = Pragma_Test_Case;
+      Is_PPC  : constant Boolean :=
+                  Id = Pragma_Precondition or else Id = Pragma_Postcondition;
+      Delayed : constant Boolean := Is_CDG or else Is_CTC or else Is_PPC;
+      Item    : Node_Id;
+      Items   : Node_Id;
-      N := First_Rep_Item (E);
-      while Present (N) loop
-         if Nkind (N) = N_Pragma
-           and then Get_Pragma_Id (Pragma_Name (N)) = Id
+      --  Handle delayed pragmas that appear in N_Contract nodes. Those have to
+      --  be extracted from their specialized list.
+      if Delayed then
+         Items := Contract (E);
+         if No (Items) then
+            return Empty;
+         elsif Is_CDG then
+            Item := Classifications (Items);
+         elsif Is_CTC then
+            Item := Contract_Test_Cases (Items);
+         else
+            Item := Pre_Post_Conditions (Items);
+         end if;
+      --  Regular pragmas
+      else
+         Item := First_Rep_Item (E);
+      end if;
+      while Present (Item) loop
+         if Nkind (Item) = N_Pragma
+           and then Get_Pragma_Id (Pragma_Name (Item)) = Id
-            return N;
+            return Item;
+         --  All nodes in N_Contract are chained using Next_Pragma
+         elsif Delayed then
+            Item := Next_Pragma (Item);
+         --  Regular pragmas
-            Next_Rep_Item (N);
+            Next_Rep_Item (Item);
          end if;
       end loop;
---   (revision 200753)
+++   (working copy)
@@ -7375,7 +7375,9 @@
    function Get_Pragma (E : Entity_Id; Id : Pragma_Id) return Node_Id;
    --  Searches the Rep_Item chain for a given entity E, for an instance of
    --  a pragma with the given pragma Id. If found, the value returned is the
-   --  N_Pragma node, otherwise Empty is returned.
+   --  N_Pragma node, otherwise Empty is returned. Delayed pragmas such as
+   --  Precondition, Postcondition, Contract_Cases, Depends and Global appear
+   --  in the N_Contract node of entity E and are also handled by this routine.
    function Get_Record_Representation_Clause (E : Entity_Id) return Node_Id;
    --  Searches the Rep_Item chain for a given entity E, for a record
Index: sem_prag.adb
--- sem_prag.adb        (revision 200771)
+++ sem_prag.adb        (working copy)
@@ -3565,12 +3565,13 @@
          --  If we fall through loop, pragma is at start of list, so see if it
          --  is at the start of declarations of a subprogram body.
-         if Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Subprogram_Body
-           and then List_Containing (N) = Declarations (Parent (N))
+         PO := Parent (N);
+         if Nkind (PO) = N_Subprogram_Body
+           and then List_Containing (N) = Declarations (PO)
-            if Operating_Mode /= Generate_Code
-              or else Inside_A_Generic
-            then
+            if Operating_Mode /= Generate_Code or else Inside_A_Generic then
                --  Analyze pragma expression for correctness and for ASIS use
@@ -3585,22 +3586,56 @@
                end if;
             end if;
+            --  Retain a copy of the pre- or postcondition pragma for formal
+            --  verification purposes. The copy is needed because the pragma is
+            --  expanded into other constructs which are not acceptable in the
+            --  N_Contract node.
+            if Acts_As_Spec (PO)
+              and then (SPARK_Mode or else Formal_Extensions)
+            then
+               declare
+                  Prag : constant Node_Id := New_Copy_Tree (N);
+               begin
+                  --  Preanalyze the pragma
+                  Preanalyze_Assert_Expression
+                    (Get_Pragma_Arg
+                      (First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Prag))),
+                     Standard_Boolean);
+                  --  Preanalyze the corresponding aspect (if any)
+                  if Present (Corresponding_Aspect (Prag)) then
+                     Preanalyze_Assert_Expression
+                       (Expression (Corresponding_Aspect (Prag)),
+                     Standard_Boolean);
+                  end if;
+                  --  Chain the copy on the contract of the body
+                  Add_Contract_Item
+                    (Prag, Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (PO)));
+               end;
+            end if;
             In_Body := True;
          --  See if it is in the pragmas after a library level subprogram
-         elsif Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux then
+         elsif Nkind (PO) = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux then
             --  In formal verification mode, analyze pragma expression for
             --  correctness, as it is not expanded later.
             if SPARK_Mode then
-                 (N, Defining_Entity (Unit (Parent (Parent (N)))));
+                 (N, Defining_Entity (Unit (Parent (PO))));
             end if;
-            Chain_PPC (Unit (Parent (Parent (N))));
+            Chain_PPC (Unit (Parent (PO)));
          end if;

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