> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Henderson [mailto:r...@redhat.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 11:30 AM
> To: Jakub Jelinek
> Cc: Iyer, Balaji V; 'Joseph S. Myers'; 'Aldy Hernandez'; 'gcc-patches'
> Subject: Re: [PING]RE: [patch] cilkplus: Array notation for C patch
> On 2013-05-21 23:15, Jakub Jelinek wrote:
> > Furthermore, do you want to generate just normal loop out of it, or
> > shouldn't we generate a #pragma omp simd loop out of it instead?
> > Haven't read the spec if array notation guarantees lack of
> > forward/backward loop dependencies and what are the restrictions on
> > the calls you can do inside of array notation.  Perhaps the lowering
> > to normal vs. simd loop could depend on whether all called functions
> > in the expression are elemental.
> The only overlap allowed is exact, i.e. a[0:5] = a[0:5] + b[1:5], but not 
> a[0:5] =
> a[1:5] + b[1:5].  So, yes, I believe that safelen is essentially unlimited.

Yes, the vectorlength/safelen can be the entire loop-size.

> r~

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