Tobias Burnus wrote:
The attached test case ICEs (segfault) both on the asan branch and on
the trunk with Dodji's patches:

I found another ICE - this time without a patch.

[That's with the patch, which I posted in this thread. Without, one seems to run into the problem I tried to fix with the patch.]

[As ASAN is not yet in the trunk, it is not yet suitable for a PR - but on the other hand, I am afraid that I loose it. Thus, I dump it here, which is also not the best place (sorry).]

The attached code generates (before ASAN):

StringSwitch<T, R>& StringSwitch ...
  <bb 2>:
  _2 = &this_1(D)->Str;
  _3 = StringRef::data (_2);
  memcmp (S_4(D), _3, 7);

And within this basic block, between "_3" and "memcpy", the generated ASAN code is added, which leads to an ICE and 10 times the message.

error: control flow in the middle of basic block 7

If one looks at the asan0 dump (after disabling this part of checking), one finds:

  _52 = _48 & _51;
  if (_52 != 0)
  _53 = (unsigned long) _22;

The "if" line looks odd as one would expect code of this form:

  if (_62 != 0)
    goto <bb 12>;
    goto <bb 11>;

See attachments.

extern "C"
  extern int memcmp (const void *__s1, const void *__s2,
                     long unsigned int __n) throw ();
struct StringRef
  const char *data () const { }
template < typename T, typename R = T > class StringSwitch
  StringRef Str;
     explicit StringSwitch (StringRef Str):Str (Str) { }
  template < unsigned N > StringSwitch & Case (const char (&S)[N])
    memcmp (S, (), N - 1);
  R Default () const { }

int getIt (StringRef Name)
  return StringSwitch < int > (Name)
    .Case ("unknown")
    .Default ();
;; Function const char* StringRef::data() const (_ZNK9StringRef4dataEv, 
funcdef_no=0, decl_uid=2200, cgraph_uid=0)

const char* StringRef::data() const (const struct StringRef * const this)
  <bb 2>:


;; Function int getIt(StringRef) (_Z5getIt9StringRef, funcdef_no=4, 
decl_uid=2230, cgraph_uid=1)

int getIt(StringRef) (struct StringRef Name)
  struct StringSwitch & D.2293;
  struct StringRef D.2292;
  struct StringRef D.2277;
  struct StringSwitch D.2278;
  int D.2291;
  struct StringSwitch & _1;
  int _2;

  <bb 2>:
  StringSwitch<int>::StringSwitch (&D.2278, D.2292);
  _1 = StringSwitch<int>::Case<8u> (&D.2278, "unknown");
  _2 = StringSwitch<int>::Default (_1);
  D.2278 ={v} {CLOBBER};

  return _2;


;; Function StringSwitch<T, R>::StringSwitch(StringRef) [with T = int; R = int] 
(_ZN12StringSwitchIiiEC2E9StringRef, funcdef_no=6, decl_uid=2249, cgraph_uid=3)

StringSwitch<T, R>::StringSwitch(StringRef) [with T = int; R = int] (struct 
StringSwitch * const this, struct StringRef Str)
  <bb 2>:


;; Function StringSwitch<T, R>& StringSwitch<T, R>::Case(const char (&)[N]) 
[with unsigned int N = 8u; T = int; R = int] 
(_ZN12StringSwitchIiiE4CaseILj8EEERS0_RAT__Kc, funcdef_no=8, decl_uid=2279, 

StringSwitch<T, R>& StringSwitch<T, R>::Case(const char (&)[N]) [with unsigned 
int N = 8u; T = int; R = int] (struct StringSwitch * const this, const char[8] 
& S)
  const char * D.2297;
  struct StringRef * D.2296;
  struct StringRef * _2;
  const char * _3;
  unsigned long _5;
  unsigned long _6;
  unsigned long _7;
  signed char * _8;
  signed char _9;
  bool _10;
  unsigned long _11;
  signed char _12;
  bool _13;
  bool _14;
  long unsigned int _15;
  long unsigned int _16;
  const char[8] & _17;
  const char[8] & _18;
  unsigned long _19;
  unsigned long _20;
  unsigned long _21;
  signed char * _22;
  signed char _23;
  bool _24;
  unsigned long _25;
  signed char _26;
  bool _27;
  bool _28;
  unsigned long _29;
  unsigned long _30;
  unsigned long _31;
  signed char * _32;
  signed char _33;
  bool _34;
  unsigned long _35;
  signed char _36;
  bool _37;
  bool _38;
  long unsigned int _39;
  long unsigned int _40;
  const char * _41;
  const char * _42;
  unsigned long _43;
  unsigned long _44;
  unsigned long _45;
  signed char * _46;
  signed char _47;
  bool _48;
  unsigned long _49;
  signed char _50;
  bool _51;
  bool _52;
  unsigned long _53;
  unsigned long _54;
  unsigned long _55;
  signed char * _56;
  signed char _57;
  bool _58;
  unsigned long _59;
  signed char _60;
  bool _61;
  bool _62;

  <bb 2>:
  _2 = &this_1(D)->Str;
  _3 = StringRef::data (_2);
  _5 = (unsigned long) S_4(D);
  _6 = _5 >> 3;
  _7 = _6 + 17592186044416;
  _8 = (signed char *) _7;
  _9 = *_8;
  _10 = _9 != 0;
  _11 = _5 & 7;
  _12 = (signed char) _11;
  _13 = _12 >= _9;
  _14 = _10 & _13;
  if (_14 != 0)
    goto <bb 4>;
    goto <bb 3>;

  <bb 4>:
  __asan_report_load1 (_5);

  <bb 3>:
  _29 = (unsigned long) _3;
  _30 = _29 >> 3;
  _31 = _30 + 17592186044416;
  _32 = (signed char *) _31;
  _33 = *_32;
  _34 = _33 != 0;
  _35 = _29 & 7;
  _36 = (signed char) _35;
  _37 = _36 >= _33;
  _38 = _34 & _37;
  if (_38 != 0)
    goto <bb 8>;
    goto <bb 7>;

  <bb 8>:
  __asan_report_load1 (_29);

  <bb 7>:
  _39 = 7;
  _40 = _39 - 1;
  _41 = _3;
  _42 = _41 + _40;
  _43 = (unsigned long) _42;
  _44 = _43 >> 3;
  _45 = _44 + 17592186044416;
  _46 = (signed char *) _45;
  _47 = *_46;
  _48 = _47 != 0;
  _49 = _43 & 7;
  _50 = (signed char) _49;
  _51 = _50 >= _47;
  _52 = _48 & _51;
  if (_52 != 0)
  _53 = (unsigned long) _22;
  _54 = _53 >> 3;
  _55 = _54 + 17592186044416;
  _56 = (signed char *) _55;
  _57 = *_56;
  _58 = _57 != 0;
  _59 = _53 & 7;
  _60 = (signed char) _59;
  _61 = _60 >= _57;
  _62 = _58 & _61;
  if (_62 != 0)
    goto <bb 12>;
    goto <bb 11>;

  <bb 12>:
  __asan_report_load1 (_53);

  <bb 11>:

  <bb 10>:
  __asan_report_load1 (_43);

  <bb 9>:
  _15 = 7;
  _16 = _15 - 1;
  _17 = S_4(D);
  _18 = _17 + _16;
  _19 = (unsigned long) _18;
  _20 = _19 >> 3;
  _21 = _20 + 17592186044416;
  _22 = (signed char *) _21;
  _23 = *_22;
  _24 = _23 != 0;
  _25 = _19 & 7;
  _26 = (signed char) _25;
  _27 = _26 >= _23;
  _28 = _24 & _27;
  if (_28 != 0)
    goto <bb 6>;
    goto <bb 5>;

  <bb 6>:
  __asan_report_load1 (_19);

  <bb 5>:
  memcmp (S_4(D), _3, 7);


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