On Nov  1, 2012, Joern Rennecke <joern.renne...@embecosm.com> wrote:

> Quoting Richard Sandiford <rdsandif...@googlemail.com>:
>> OK with those changes for the rtl bits.  Can't approve the generator
>> stuff though.

> Can you build machinery maintainers also review gen* and *.def patches,
> of this patch ( http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2012-10/msg02897.html ).
> or are you strictly limited to *.in files as hinted in the MAINTAINERS file?

I don't think gen* and *.def are part of the build machinery, no.

Alexandre Oliva, freedom fighter    http://FSFLA.org/~lxoliva/
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. -- Gandhi
Be Free! -- http://FSFLA.org/   FSF Latin America board member
Free Software Evangelist      Red Hat Brazil Compiler Engineer

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