On 31 October 2012 20:06, Teresa Johnson <tejohn...@google.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Christophe Lyon
> <christophe.l...@st.com> wrote:
>> On 30.10.2012 17:59, Teresa Johnson wrote:
>>> On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 9:26 AM, Steven Bosscher <stevenb....@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Hot/cold partitioning is apparently a hot topic all of a sudden, which
>>>> is a good thing of course, because it's in need of some TLC.
>>>> The attached patch adds another check the RTL cfg checking
>>>> (verify_flow_info) for the partitioning: A hot block can never be
>>>> dominated by a cold block (because the dominated block must also be
>>>> cold). This trips in PR55121.
>>>> I haven't tested this with any profiling tests, but it's bound to
>>>> break things. From my POV, whatever gets broken by this patch was
>>>> already broken to begin with :-)   If you're in CC, it's because I
>>>> hope you can help test this patch.
>>> I will try testing your patch on top of mine with our fdo benchmarks.
>>> For the others on the cc list, you may need to include my patch as
>>> well for testing. Without it, -freorder-blocks-and-partition was DOA
>>> for me. For my patch, see
>>> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2012-10/msg02692.html
>>> Teresa
>> I have tried Steven's patch an indeed it reported numerous errors while
>> compiling spec2k.
>> I tried Teresa's patch too, but it changed nothing in my tests. The patches
>> already posted by Matt are still necessary and Teresa's patch does not
>> improve my tests.
> With checking enabled I am seeing additional failures that my fixes
> are not addressing. Looking into those now.
> Can someone point me to Matt's patches? Is that this one:
> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2012-09/msg00274.html
> or are there others?

That is one of two.  The other one is:

I'd be careful with the second one - the original patch posted (in the
link) fixes the issue I was seeing, but Stephen Bosscher suggested I
made some changes, and I reposted a patch with some incorrect logic
(which unfortunately also fixes the issue but more by luck than
judgement).  I haven't had the time to fully work through updating and
testing a reworked patch yet.



Matthew Gretton-Dann
Linaro Toolchain Working Group

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