Hi Gaby,

On 09/22/12 13:07, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
>> SVN is behaving unexpectedly.  Help, please?
> Have you upgraded your system or SVN recently?

Not deliberately. :)  Switched openSuSE releases (12.2 now).

> If yes, you need to issue the command
>      $ svn upgrade

It's been crunching on that for over 20 minutes now.
I suppose it will finish eventually.  [finished while writing this]

Nonetheless, I do prefer to work with GIT over SVN, but that means
I would need to debug the issues from my first missive
on this topic.  [now fixed, see below]

> (this has nothing to do with GCC.  It is a general SVN thingy.)

Still, dealing with anticipatable failures makes for good grist
for the GCC wiki.  Error messages like, "remove the -q option"
are not helpful when you haven't used any -q option.  And it
was similar to the message from "git svn":

> $ git svn init -Ttrunk --prefix=origin/ svn+ssh://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc
> Network connection closed unexpectedly: Unable to connect to a repository at \
>   URL 'svn+ssh://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc': To better debug SSH connection 
> problems,
>   remove the -q option from 'ssh' in the [tunnels] section of your Subversion
>   configuration file. at /usr/lib/git/git-svn line 2299.
> 2287 sub init_remote_config { [...]

I surely don't see any "-q" on line 2299.  Perhaps I need a "korbb@" inserted
before the "gcc.gnu.org" in the command?
[a moment passes]

Yep.  That's it.  the "git svn init" command should be augmented with my
login id at gcc.gnu.org.  Thank you!

> $ git svn init -Ttrunk --prefix=origin/ svn+ssh://logi...@gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc

So, "remove the -q option" really means, "provide your login id."
Not especially obvious.  :(

Thank you!! - Bruce

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