On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 10:45 PM, Diego Novillo <dnovi...@google.com> wrote:
> On 12-08-14 16:39 , Steven Bosscher wrote:
>> I seriously doubt that ;-)
>> Anyway, it's not so simple, this 80-len(everything else). I was
>> looking for a solution like that but it can't be done: there is no
>> "everything else". It depends on the configuration -- more
>> specifically on HAVE_USER_TIME, HAVE_SYS_TIME, and HAVE_WALL_TIME. The
>> format of these three is:
>> "%7.2f (%2.0f%%) usr" "%7.2f (%2.0f%%) sys" "%7.2f (%2.0f%%) wall"
> Sorry, I didn't mean to have it computed automatically.  Apologies for the
> confusion.  I really wanted to know if we couldn't do something like 40 or
> so.
> Chatting with Lawrence offline, he says that we may be able to do a static
> check instead of dynamic.  But, again, this can be a follow-up patch.

I think we could go for truncation by default, -ftime-report-w for non-truncated
but possibly very long lines.  I agree about wrapping - that would be bad.


>> So I'd really like to go with the patch as-is, it's certainly not
>> making things any worse than they already are for those who work on
>> good old 80col windows.
> Absolutely.  The patch is fine.
> Diego.

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