This patch allows cflags set in board config files using 
"set_board_info cflags" to be used in the selectors of
dg-skip-if and other dejagnu commands that use the check-flags

The code merely adds cflags to compiler_flags in the check-flags proc, 
exactly the same way as multilib_flags is added.


    * lib/target-supports-dg.exp (check-flags): Add cflags from board
      config to compiler_flags

diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/lib/target-supports-dg.exp 
index 2f6c4c2..bdf7476 100644
--- a/gcc/testsuite/lib/target-supports-dg.exp
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/lib/target-supports-dg.exp
@@ -304,6 +304,9 @@ proc check-flags { args } {
     # If running a subset of the test suite, $TEST_ALWAYS_FLAGS may not exist.
     catch {append compiler_flags " $TEST_ALWAYS_FLAGS "}
     set dest [target_info name]
+    if [board_info $dest exists cflags] {
+    append compiler_flags "[board_info $dest cflags] "
+    }
     if [board_info $dest exists multilib_flags] {
        append compiler_flags "[board_info $dest multilib_flags] "

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