An interesting little bug. We're just emitting what appears to me to be a silly warning.

By the time the array-bounds checker runs we have this statement in the  IL:

  MEM[(int *)_42 + -4B] ={v} {CLOBBER(eob)};

Naturally that looks like an out of bounds array index and we warn. Which seems dubious at best. My first thought is we shouldn't be trying to analyze a gimple clobber for out of bounds array indexes.

But like most things in GCC, it's never that simple.

It looks like we're relying on warning for that case for Warray-bounds-20.C.

<bb 2> [local count: 1073741824]: MEM[(struct D1 *)&a + 1B] ={v} {CLOBBER(bob)};
MEM[(struct B *)&a + 1B]._vptr.B = &MEM <int (*) ()> [(void *)&_ZTC2D10_1B + 
MEM[(struct A *)&a + 9B]._vptr.A = &MEM <int (*) ()> [(void *)&_ZTC2D10_1B + 
C::C (&MEM[(struct D1 *)&a + 1B].D.3003, &MEM <const void *[8]> [(void 
*)&_ZTT2D1 + 48B]);

My sense is that this test is passing more by accident than by design and that the warning really should be triggered by one of the other statements. Martin just got it wrong here AFAICT. I did go back and check the original BZ (pr98266). It's unaffected as it doesn't have the gimple clobbers.

I'd propose a patch like the following, but I also realize this might be considered somewhat controversial, particularly since I think we could be missing diagnostics, particularly around placement-new that we now kind of pick up by accident (though not reliably as can be seen in other subtests withing Warray-bounds-20.C which were already xfail'd).


diff --git a/gcc/ b/gcc/
index 22286cbb4cc..dff1a6e13db 100644
--- a/gcc/
+++ b/gcc/
@@ -794,6 +794,15 @@ array_bounds_checker::check_array_bounds (tree *tp, int 
   tree t = *tp;
   struct walk_stmt_info *wi = (struct walk_stmt_info *) data;
+  /* There's no point in analyzing a gimple clobber statement for an
+     out of bounds array index and if we do try, we may trip bogus
+     warnings.  See pr117829.  */
+  if (gimple_clobber_p (wi->stmt))
+    {
+      *walk_subtree = false;
+      return NULL_TREE;
+    }
   location_t location;
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/warn/Warray-bounds-20.C 
index 5fc55293074..f0d5cb8c34b 100644
--- a/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/warn/Warray-bounds-20.C
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/warn/Warray-bounds-20.C
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ struct D1: virtual B, virtual C
   /* The warning would ideally point to the assignment but instead points
      to the opening brace.  */
   D1 ()
-  {                           // { dg-warning "\\\[-Warray-bounds" "brace" }
+  {                           // { dg-warning "\\\[-Warray-bounds" "brace" { 
xfail *-*-* } }
     ci = 0;                   // { dg-warning "\\\[-Warray-bounds" "assign" { 
xfail lp64 } }
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ void sink (void*);
 void warn_derived_ctor_access_new_decl ()
-  char a[sizeof (D1)];        // { dg-message "at offset 1 into object 'a' of 
size 40" "LP64 note" { target lp64} }
-                              // { dg-message "at offset 1 into object 'a' of 
size 20" "LP64 note" { target ilp32} .-1 }
+  char a[sizeof (D1)];        // { dg-message "at offset 1 into object 'a' of 
size 40" "LP64 note" { target { lp64 } xfail { lp64} } }
+                              // { dg-message "at offset 1 into object 'a' of 
size 20" "LP64 note" { target { ilp32 } xfail { ilp32 } .-1 } }
   char *p = a;
   D1 *q = new (p) D1;
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ void warn_derived_ctor_access_new_decl ()
 void warn_derived_ctor_access_new_alloc ()
-  char *p = (char*)operator new (sizeof (D1));    // { dg-message "at offset 1 
into object of size \\d+ allocated by '\[^\n\r]*operator new\[^\n\r]*'" "note" }
+  char *p = (char*)operator new (sizeof (D1));    // { dg-message "at offset 1 
into object of size \\d+ allocated by '\[^\n\r]*operator new\[^\n\r]*'" "note" 
{ xfail *-*-* } }
   D1 *q = new (p) D1;
   sink (q);

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