On Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at 6:50 PM James K. Lowden
<jklow...@schemamania.org> wrote:
> On Sat, 15 Feb 2025 21:24:52 +0000
> Sam James <s...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > > +prototypes.cpp: posix.txt
> > > +   awk -F'[/.]' '{ print $$6 }' $^ | \
> > > +   while read F; do echo "/* $$F */" && man 2 $$F | \
> > > +                   ./scrape.awk -v funcname=$$6; done > $@~
> > > +   @mv $@~ $@
> > > +
> > > +posix.txt:
> > > +   zgrep -l 'POSIX[.]' /usr/share/man/man2/*z > $@~
> >
> > This will need reworking. It assumes the location of the man pages on
> > the system, assumes 'zgrep' exists, and assumes 'zgrep' can read the
> > man pages (the man pages may be compressed with something else; I know
> > such systems exist).
> >
> > I'm not sure this is really any less brittle or more robust than just
> > listing the actual functions you scraped out from your system.
> You might be reading more into this than you want to.
> As you saw in gcc/cobol/posix/README.md, the files in that directory are not 
> part of the compiler.  They are tools we provide that potentially make it 
> easier to generate user-defined COBOL functions that call functions in the C 
> standard library, in particular syscalls.  IMO they don't need to be perfect; 
> it is enough that they are good.
> The user need never touch this part of the system.  The compiler functions 
> without it.  It's there as a convenience and demonstration.  I hope to 
> encourage contributions from users to this directory in a "contrib/" kind of 
> way.
> There are dependencies beyond the ones you mention, not least (as documented) 
> the Python PLY module.  Anyone sitting down with this tool will have to 
> wrestle with it a bit.  I contend that, if the user needs more than a few 
> functions, it will be less trouble to engage the tool than to write them by 
> hand.
> I agree it could be improved.  For example,
> > +posix.txt:
> > +     zgrep -l 'POSIX[.]' /usr/share/man/man2/*z > $@~
> could be
>         posix.txt:
>                 $(ZGREP) -l 'POSIX[.]' $(MANDIR)/man/man2/*z > $@~
> but that doesn't gain us much, does it?  We could start over with autoconf & 
> automake, to ensure full portability.  But that would defeat the purpose.  
> What I want to provide here is a prototype, not a robust foolproof tool.
> I think a simple example -- even a brittle one loaded with assumptions -- is 
> easier to understand and serves as a better illustration than a complicated 
> one.  I want to provide such a tool as part of gcobol, to give the user a 
> facility not available from any other COBOL compiler.  I think it's better 
> included in the gcc distribution than as an SO post or FAQ at 
> http://www.cobolworx.com.
> I'm sure you agree we don't want to let this tail wag the dog.  With my 
> exegesis in mind, what would you recommend?  If it's limited to more 
> judicious use of makefile variables, I could surely implement those 
> suggestions.

So to simplify things at this point can we postpone merging this bit
then?  If you say it's more like a "contrib", wouldn't
putting it in the toplevel contrib/ directory be more appropriate?
Maybe in a contrib/cobol/ subdirectory?


> --jkl

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