On Sat, 15 Feb 2025 21:18:50 +0000 Sam James <s...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > Subject: [PATCH] Add 'cobol' to 17 files > > The commit message summary (first line) should say something like the > email title, so 'cobol: bld: config and build machinery'. Roger, will do next time. > > +YFLAGS = -Werror -Wmidrule-values -Wno-yacc \ > > + --debug --verbose > > Unconditional -Werror here looks off, should be based on the configure > flag It's our intention here that parse.y and cdf.y be processed by Bison with no warnings. Just those files specifically, not the compiler in general. > (--debug looks odd too). It does look odd. It's one way to enable tracing in Bison. Tracing doesn't actually happen unless the user uses a command-line option for gcobol, but *can't* happen unless the capability is compiled in. I chose to externalize the feature using --debug. I could have embedded the choice in the source code with %debug or "%define parse.trace". > so w/e. (I'm unfamilar with that expression.) > > + [AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find stdio.h. > > +You must have a usable C system for the target already installed, at least > > +including headers and, preferably, the library, before you can configure > > +the Objective C runtime system. If necessary, install gcc now with > > cobol > > > +\`LANGUAGES=c', then the target library, then build with > > \`LANGUAGES=gcobol'.])]) > > I know this is copy-pasted (so objc will have to be fixed too), but this > LANGUAGES= thing isn't correct and hasn't been for quite some time. We will remove the message, as is done in libgrust. I will fix these mechanical issues in the next revision. --jkl