Support the 'has_device_addr' clause with OpenMP's 'dispatch'

The testcase is even more questionable as the C/C++ testcase
(looking at it globally/semantically), but it tests (locally)
what it is supposed to test: namely, 'has_device_addr' does not
fulfill the 'is_device_ptr' property (warning, tree dump), which
in turn also checks that the clause actually reached the middle

I intent to commit it soon after PA has committed his
"OpenMP: Fortran front-end support for dispatch + adjust_args"

* * *

As mentioned in the commit logs (C++ and as attached for Fortran),
dispatch's has_device_addr clause only becomes useful once the
'adjust_args' clause of 'declare variant' supports the
'need_device_addr' modifier. - Deferred for C++ and Fortran to
a follow up patch (after understanding the semantic/spec vs.
current implementation/backward compat better; at least for C++,
I believe that there is a bug in the current
{has,use,is}_device_{ptr,addr} code). [As C does not have reference
types, 'need_device_addr' is invalid and, hence, rejected.]

OpenMP: Enable has_device_addr clause for 'dispatch' in Fortran

Fortran version of commit r15-6178-g2cbb2408a830a6 for C/C++.
However, this only becomes really useful (for C++ and Fortran) once the
'need_device_addr' modifier to declare variant's 'adjust_args' clause
is supported.

 fortran/                             |    3 
 testsuite/gfortran.dg/gomp/adjust-args-10.f90 |   99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/gcc/fortran/ b/gcc/fortran/
index 47c1ded4e44..863c96ab64a 100644
--- a/gcc/fortran/
+++ b/gcc/fortran/
@@ -5018,7 +5018,8 @@ cleanup:
 #define OMP_DISPATCH_CLAUSES                                                   \
 static match
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/gomp/adjust-args-10.f90 b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/gomp/adjust-args-10.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3b649b5d7d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/gomp/adjust-args-10.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+! { dg-additional-options "-fdump-tree-gimple" }
+! This mainly checks 'has_device_addr' without associated 'need_device_addr'
+! Do diagnostic check / dump check only;
+! Note: this test should work as run-test as well.
+module m
+  use iso_c_binding
+  ! use omp_lib
+  implicit none (type, external)
+  interface
+    integer function omp_get_default_device (); end
+    integer function omp_get_num_devices (); end
+  end interface
+  subroutine g (x, y)
+    !$omp declare variant(f) adjust_args(need_device_ptr: x, y) match(construct={dispatch})
+    type(c_ptr), value :: x, y
+  end
+  subroutine f (cfrom, cto)
+    type(c_ptr), value :: cfrom, cto
+    integer, save :: cnt = 0
+    cnt = cnt + 1
+    if (cnt >= 3) then
+      if (omp_get_default_device () /= -1  &
+          .and. omp_get_default_device () < omp_get_num_devices ()) then
+        ! On offload device but not mapped
+        if (.not. c_associated(cfrom)) & ! Not mapped
+          stop 1
+      else
+        block
+          integer, pointer :: from(:)
+          call c_f_pointer(cfrom, from, shape=[1])
+          if (from(1) /= 5) &
+            stop 2
+        end block
+      end if
+      return
+    end if
+    !$omp target is_device_ptr(cfrom, cto)
+      block
+        integer, pointer :: from(:), to(:)
+        call c_f_pointer(cfrom, from, shape=[2])
+        call c_f_pointer(cto, to, shape=[2])
+        to(1) = from(1) * 10
+        to(2) = from(2) * 10
+      end block
+  end
+  subroutine sub (a, b)
+    integer, target :: a(:), b(:)
+    type(c_ptr), target :: ca, cb
+    ca = c_loc(a)
+    cb = c_loc(b)
+    ! The has_device_addr is a bit questionable as the caller is not actually
+    ! passing a device address - but we cannot pass one because of the
+    ! following:
+    !
+    ! As for 'b' need_device_ptr has been specified and 'b' is not
+    ! in the semantic requirement set 'is_device_ptr' (and only in 'has_device_addr')
+    ! "the argument is converted in the same manner that a use_device_ptr clause
+    !  on a target_data construct converts its pointer"
+    !$omp dispatch is_device_ptr(ca), has_device_addr(cb)
+      call g (ca, cb)  ! { dg-warning "'has_device_addr' for 'cb' does not imply 'is_device_ptr' required for 'need_device_ptr' \\\[-Wopenmp\\\]" }
+  end
+program main
+  use m
+  implicit none (type, external)
+  integer, target :: A(2), B(2) = [123, 456], C(1) = [5]
+  integer, pointer :: p(:)
+  p => A
+  !$omp target enter data map(A, B)
+  ! Note: We don't add  'use_device_addr(B)' here;
+  ! if we do, it will fail with an illegal memory access (why?).
+  !$omp target data use_device_ptr(p)
+    call sub(p, B)
+    call sub(C, B)  ! C is not mapped -> 'from' ptr == NULL
+  !$omp end target data
+  !$omp target exit data map(A, B)
+! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "#pragma omp dispatch is_device_ptr\\(ca\\) has_device_addr\\(cb\\)" 1 "gimple" } }
+! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "__builtin_omp_get_mapped_ptr" 1 "gimple" } }
+! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "D\\.\[0-9\]+ = __builtin_omp_get_mapped_ptr \\(cb" 1 "gimple" } }
+! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "f \\(ca\\.\[0-9\]+, D\\.\[0-9\]+\\);" 1 "gimple" } }

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