> Am 16.12.2024 um 09:10 schrieb Jennifer Schmitz <jschm...@nvidia.com>:
>> On 14 Dec 2024, at 09:32, Richard Biener <rguent...@suse.de> wrote:
>> External email: Use caution opening links or attachments
>>>> Am 13.12.2024 um 18:00 schrieb Jennifer Schmitz <jschm...@nvidia.com>:
>>>> On 13 Dec 2024, at 13:40, Richard Biener <richard.guent...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> External email: Use caution opening links or attachments
>>>>> On Thu, Dec 12, 2024 at 5:27 PM Jennifer Schmitz <jschm...@nvidia.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 6 Dec 2024, at 08:41, Jennifer Schmitz <jschm...@nvidia.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 5 Dec 2024, at 20:07, Richard Sandiford <richard.sandif...@arm.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> External email: Use caution opening links or attachments
>>>>>>> Jennifer Schmitz <jschm...@nvidia.com> writes:
>>>>>>>>> On 5 Dec 2024, at 11:44, Richard Biener <rguent...@suse.de> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> External email: Use caution opening links or attachments
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 5 Dec 2024, Jennifer Schmitz wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 17 Oct 2024, at 19:23, Richard Sandiford
>>>>>>>>>>> <richard.sandif...@arm.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> External email: Use caution opening links or attachments
>>>>>>>>>>> Jennifer Schmitz <jschm...@nvidia.com> writes:
>>>>>>>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>>>>>> Looking at the diff of the vect dumps (below is a section of the
>>>>>>>>>>>> diff for strided_store_2.c), it seemed odd that vec_to_scalar
>>>>>>>>>>>> operations cost 0 now, instead of the previous cost of 2:
>>>>>>>>>>>> +strided_store_1.c:38:151: note: === vectorizable_operation ===
>>>>>>>>>>>> +strided_store_1.c:38:151: note: vect_model_simple_cost:
>>>>>>>>>>>> inside_cost = 1, prologue_cost = 0 .
>>>>>>>>>>>> +strided_store_1.c:38:151: note: ==> examining statement: *_6 =
>>>>>>>>>>>> _7;
>>>>>>>>>>>> +strided_store_1.c:38:151: note: vect_is_simple_use: operand _3
>>>>>>>>>>>> + 1.0e+0, type of def: internal
>>>>>>>>>>>> +strided_store_1.c:38:151: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
>>>>>>>>>>>> +Applying pattern match.pd:236, generic-match-9.cc:4128
>>>>>>>>>>>> +Applying pattern match.pd:5285, generic-match-10.cc:4234
>>>>>>>>>>>> +strided_store_1.c:38:151: note: vect_model_store_cost:
>>>>>>>>>>>> inside_cost = 12, prologue_cost = 0 .
>>>>>>>>>>>> *_2 1 times unaligned_load (misalign -1) costs 1 in body
>>>>>>>>>>>> -_3 + 1.0e+0 1 times scalar_to_vec costs 1 in prologue
>>>>>>>>>>>> _3 + 1.0e+0 1 times vector_stmt costs 1 in body
>>>>>>>>>>>> -_7 1 times vec_to_scalar costs 2 in body
>>>>>>>>>>>> +<unknown> 1 times vector_load costs 1 in prologue
>>>>>>>>>>>> +_7 1 times vec_to_scalar costs 0 in body
>>>>>>>>>>>> _7 1 times scalar_store costs 1 in body
>>>>>>>>>>>> -_7 1 times vec_to_scalar costs 2 in body
>>>>>>>>>>>> +_7 1 times vec_to_scalar costs 0 in body
>>>>>>>>>>>> _7 1 times scalar_store costs 1 in body
>>>>>>>>>>>> -_7 1 times vec_to_scalar costs 2 in body
>>>>>>>>>>>> +_7 1 times vec_to_scalar costs 0 in body
>>>>>>>>>>>> _7 1 times scalar_store costs 1 in body
>>>>>>>>>>>> -_7 1 times vec_to_scalar costs 2 in body
>>>>>>>>>>>> +_7 1 times vec_to_scalar costs 0 in body
>>>>>>>>>>>> _7 1 times scalar_store costs 1 in body
>>>>>>>>>>>> Although the aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p flag was used in
>>>>>>>>>>>> multiple places in aarch64.cc, the location that causes this
>>>>>>>>>>>> behavior is this one:
>>>>>>>>>>>> unsigned
>>>>>>>>>>>> aarch64_vector_costs::add_stmt_cost (int count, vect_cost_for_stmt
>>>>>>>>>>>> kind,
>>>>>>>>>>>> stmt_vec_info stmt_info, slp_tree,
>>>>>>>>>>>> tree vectype, int misalign,
>>>>>>>>>>>> vect_cost_model_location where)
>>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>>>>>> /* Try to get a more accurate cost by looking at STMT_INFO instead
>>>>>>>>>>>> of just looking at KIND. */
>>>>>>>>>>>> - if (stmt_info && aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p ())
>>>>>>>>>>>> + if (stmt_info)
>>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>>> /* If we scalarize a strided store, the vectorizer costs one
>>>>>>>>>>>> vec_to_scalar for each element. However, we can store the first
>>>>>>>>>>>> element using an FP store without a separate extract step. */
>>>>>>>>>>>> if (vect_is_store_elt_extraction (kind, stmt_info))
>>>>>>>>>>>> count -= 1;
>>>>>>>>>>>> stmt_cost = aarch64_detect_scalar_stmt_subtype (m_vinfo, kind,
>>>>>>>>>>>> stmt_info,
>>>>>>>>>>>> stmt_cost);
>>>>>>>>>>>> if (vectype && m_vec_flags)
>>>>>>>>>>>> stmt_cost = aarch64_detect_vector_stmt_subtype (m_vinfo, kind,
>>>>>>>>>>>> stmt_info, vectype,
>>>>>>>>>>>> where, stmt_cost);
>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>>>>>> return record_stmt_cost (stmt_info, where, (count *
>>>>>>>>>>>> stmt_cost).ceil ());
>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>> Previously, for mtune=generic, this function returned a cost of 2
>>>>>>>>>>>> for a vec_to_scalar operation in the vect body. Now "if
>>>>>>>>>>>> (stmt_info)" is entered and "if (vect_is_store_elt_extraction
>>>>>>>>>>>> (kind, stmt_info))" evaluates to true, which sets the count to 0
>>>>>>>>>>>> and leads to a return value of 0.
>>>>>>>>>>> At the time the code was written, a scalarised store would be costed
>>>>>>>>>>> using one vec_to_scalar call into the backend, with the count
>>>>>>>>>>> parameter
>>>>>>>>>>> set to the number of elements being stored. The "count -= 1" was
>>>>>>>>>>> supposed to lop off the leading element extraction, since we can
>>>>>>>>>>> store
>>>>>>>>>>> lane 0 as a normal FP store.
>>>>>>>>>>> The target-independent costing was later reworked so that it costs
>>>>>>>>>>> each operation individually:
>>>>>>>>>>> for (i = 0; i < nstores; i++)
>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>> if (costing_p)
>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>> /* Only need vector extracting when there are more
>>>>>>>>>>> than one stores. */
>>>>>>>>>>> if (nstores > 1)
>>>>>>>>>>> inside_cost
>>>>>>>>>>> += record_stmt_cost (cost_vec, 1, vec_to_scalar,
>>>>>>>>>>> stmt_info, 0, vect_body);
>>>>>>>>>>> /* Take a single lane vector type store as scalar
>>>>>>>>>>> store to avoid ICE like 110776. */
>>>>>>>>>>> if (VECTOR_TYPE_P (ltype)
>>>>>>>>>>> && known_ne (TYPE_VECTOR_SUBPARTS (ltype), 1U))
>>>>>>>>>>> n_adjacent_stores++;
>>>>>>>>>>> else
>>>>>>>>>>> inside_cost
>>>>>>>>>>> += record_stmt_cost (cost_vec, 1, scalar_store,
>>>>>>>>>>> stmt_info, 0, vect_body);
>>>>>>>>>>> continue;
>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately, there's no easy way of telling whether a particular
>>>>>>>>>>> call
>>>>>>>>>>> is part of a group, and if so, which member of the group it is.
>>>>>>>>>>> I suppose we could give up on the attempt to be (somewhat) accurate
>>>>>>>>>>> and just disable the optimisation. Or we could restrict it to
>>>>>>>>>>> count > 1,
>>>>>>>>>>> since it might still be useful for gathers and scatters.
>>>>>>>>>> I tried restricting the calls to vect_is_store_elt_extraction to
>>>>>>>>>> count > 1 and it seems to resolve the issue of costing vec_to_scalar
>>>>>>>>>> operations with 0 (see patch below).
>>>>>>>>>> What are your thoughts on this?
>>>>>>>>> Why didn't you pursue instead moving the vec_to_scalar cost together
>>>>>>>>> with the n_adjacent_store handling?
>>>>>>>> When I continued working on this patch, we had already reached stage 3
>>>>>>>> and I was hesitant to introduce changes to the middle-end that were
>>>>>>>> not previously covered by this patch. So I tried if the issue could
>>>>>>>> not be resolved by making a small change in the backend.
>>>>>>>> If you still advise to use the n_adjacent_store instead, I’m happy to
>>>>>>>> look into it again.
>>>>>>> If Richard's ok with adjusting vectorizable_store for GCC 15 (which it
>>>>>>> sounds like he is), then I agree that would be better. Otherwise we'd
>>>>>>> be creating technical debt to clean up for GCC 16. And it is a
>>>>>>> regression
>>>>>>> of sorts, so is stage 3 material from that POV.
>>>>>>> (Incidentally, AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_USE_NEW_VECTOR_COSTS was itself a
>>>>>>> "let's clean this up next stage 1" thing, since we needed to add tuning
>>>>>>> for a new CPU late during the cycle. But of course, there were other
>>>>>>> priorities when stage 1 actually came around, so it never actually
>>>>>>> happened. Thanks again for being the one to sort this out.)
>>>>>> Thanks for your feedback. Then I will try to make it work in
>>>>>> vectorizable_store.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Jennifer
>>>>> Below is the updated patch with a suggestion for the changes in
>>>>> vectorizable_store. It resolves the issue with the vec_to_scalar
>>>>> operations that were individually costed with 0.
>>>>> We already tested it on aarch64, no regression, but we are still doing
>>>>> performance testing.
>>>>> Can you give some feedback in the meantime on the patch itself?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Jennifer
>>>>> This patch removes the AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_USE_NEW_VECTOR_COSTS tunable and
>>>>> use_new_vector_costs entry in aarch64-tuning-flags.def and makes the
>>>>> AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_USE_NEW_VECTOR_COSTS paths in the backend the
>>>>> default. To that end, the function aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p and its
>>>>> uses
>>>>> were removed. To prevent costing vec_to_scalar operations with 0, as
>>>>> described in
>>>>> https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-October/665481.html,
>>>>> we adjusted vectorizable_store such that the variable n_adjacent_stores
>>>>> also covers vec_to_scalar operations. This way vec_to_scalar operations
>>>>> are not costed individually, but as a group.
>>>>> Two tests were adjusted due to changes in codegen. In both cases, the
>>>>> old code performed loop unrolling once, but the new code does not:
>>>>> Example from gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c (compiled with
>>>>> -O2 -ftree-vectorize -march=armv8.2-a+sve -mtune=generic
>>>>> -moverride=tune=none):
>>>>> f_int64_t_32:
>>>>> cbz w3, .L92
>>>>> mov x4, 0
>>>>> uxtw x3, w3
>>>>> + cntd x5
>>>>> + whilelo p7.d, xzr, x3
>>>>> + mov z29.s, w5
>>>>> mov z31.s, w2
>>>>> - whilelo p6.d, xzr, x3
>>>>> - mov x2, x3
>>>>> - index z30.s, #0, #1
>>>>> - uqdecd x2
>>>>> - ptrue p5.b, all
>>>>> - whilelo p7.d, xzr, x2
>>>>> + index z30.d, #0, #1
>>>>> + ptrue p6.b, all
>>>>> .p2align 3,,7
>>>>> .L94:
>>>>> - ld1d z27.d, p7/z, [x0, #1, mul vl]
>>>>> - ld1d z28.d, p6/z, [x0]
>>>>> - movprfx z29, z31
>>>>> - mul z29.s, p5/m, z29.s, z30.s
>>>>> - incw x4
>>>>> - uunpklo z0.d, z29.s
>>>>> - uunpkhi z29.d, z29.s
>>>>> - ld1d z25.d, p6/z, [x1, z0.d, lsl 3]
>>>>> - ld1d z26.d, p7/z, [x1, z29.d, lsl 3]
>>>>> - add z25.d, z28.d, z25.d
>>>>> + ld1d z27.d, p7/z, [x0, x4, lsl 3]
>>>>> + movprfx z28, z31
>>>>> + mul z28.s, p6/m, z28.s, z30.s
>>>>> + ld1d z26.d, p7/z, [x1, z28.d, uxtw 3]
>>>>> add z26.d, z27.d, z26.d
>>>>> - st1d z26.d, p7, [x0, #1, mul vl]
>>>>> - whilelo p7.d, x4, x2
>>>>> - st1d z25.d, p6, [x0]
>>>>> - incw z30.s
>>>>> - incb x0, all, mul #2
>>>>> - whilelo p6.d, x4, x3
>>>>> + st1d z26.d, p7, [x0, x4, lsl 3]
>>>>> + add z30.s, z30.s, z29.s
>>>>> + incd x4
>>>>> + whilelo p7.d, x4, x3
>>>>> b.any .L94
>>>>> .L92:
>>>>> ret
>>>>> Example from gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c (compiled with
>>>>> -O2 -ftree-vectorize -march=armv8.2-a+sve -mtune=generic
>>>>> -moverride=tune=none):
>>>>> f_int64_t_32:
>>>>> cbz w3, .L84
>>>>> - addvl x5, x1, #1
>>>>> mov x4, 0
>>>>> uxtw x3, w3
>>>>> - mov z31.s, w2
>>>>> + cntd x5
>>>>> whilelo p7.d, xzr, x3
>>>>> - mov x2, x3
>>>>> - index z30.s, #0, #1
>>>>> - uqdecd x2
>>>>> - ptrue p5.b, all
>>>>> - whilelo p6.d, xzr, x2
>>>>> + mov z29.s, w5
>>>>> + mov z31.s, w2
>>>>> + index z30.d, #0, #1
>>>>> + ptrue p6.b, all
>>>>> .p2align 3,,7
>>>>> .L86:
>>>>> - ld1d z28.d, p7/z, [x1, x4, lsl 3]
>>>>> - ld1d z27.d, p6/z, [x5, x4, lsl 3]
>>>>> - movprfx z29, z30
>>>>> - mul z29.s, p5/m, z29.s, z31.s
>>>>> - add z28.d, z28.d, #1
>>>>> - uunpklo z26.d, z29.s
>>>>> - st1d z28.d, p7, [x0, z26.d, lsl 3]
>>>>> - incw x4
>>>>> - uunpkhi z29.d, z29.s
>>>>> + ld1d z27.d, p7/z, [x1, x4, lsl 3]
>>>>> + movprfx z28, z30
>>>>> + mul z28.s, p6/m, z28.s, z31.s
>>>>> add z27.d, z27.d, #1
>>>>> - whilelo p6.d, x4, x2
>>>>> - st1d z27.d, p7, [x0, z29.d, lsl 3]
>>>>> - incw z30.s
>>>>> + st1d z27.d, p7, [x0, z28.d, uxtw 3]
>>>>> + incd x4
>>>>> + add z30.s, z30.s, z29.s
>>>>> whilelo p7.d, x4, x3
>>>>> b.any .L86
>>>>> .L84:
>>>>> ret
>>>>> The patch was bootstrapped and tested on aarch64-linux-gnu, no
>>>>> regression.
>>>>> OK for mainline?
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Jennifer Schmitz <jschm...@nvidia.com>
>>>>> gcc/
>>>>> * tree-vect-stmts.cc (vectorizable_store): Extend the use of
>>>>> n_adjacent_stores to also cover vec_to_scalar operations.
>>>>> * config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def: Remove
>>>>> use_new_vector_costs as tuning option.
>>>>> * config/aarch64/aarch64.cc (aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p):
>>>>> Remove.
>>>>> (aarch64_vector_costs::add_stmt_cost): Remove use of
>>>>> aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p.
>>>>> (aarch64_vector_costs::finish_cost): Remove use of
>>>>> aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p.
>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h: Remove
>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h: Likewise.
>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h: Likewise.
>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h: Likewise.
>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h: Likewise.
>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h: Likewise.
>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h: Likewise.
>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h: Likewise.
>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h: Likewise.
>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h: Likewise.
>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h: Likewise.
>>>>> gcc/testsuite/
>>>>> * gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c: Adjust expected outcome.
>>>>> * gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c: Likewise.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def | 2 --
>>>>> gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.cc | 20 +++----------
>>>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h | 1 -
>>>>> .../aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h | 1 -
>>>>> .../aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h | 1 -
>>>>> .../aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h | 1 -
>>>>> .../aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h | 1 -
>>>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h | 1 -
>>>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h | 1 -
>>>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h | 1 -
>>>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h | 1 -
>>>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h | 1 -
>>>>> .../aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h | 1 -
>>>>> .../gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c | 2 +-
>>>>> .../gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c | 2 +-
>>>>> gcc/tree-vect-stmts.cc | 29 ++++++++++---------
>>>>> 16 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def
>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def
>>>>> index ffbff20e29c..1de633c739b 100644
>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def
>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def
>>>>> @@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNING_OPTION ("cheap_shift_extend",
>>>>> AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNING_OPTION ("cse_sve_vl_constants", CSE_SVE_VL_CONSTANTS)
>>>>> -AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNING_OPTION ("use_new_vector_costs",
>>>>> -
>>>>> AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNING_OPTION ("matched_vector_throughput",
>>>>> AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNING_OPTION ("avoid_cross_loop_fma", AVOID_CROSS_LOOP_FMA)
>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.cc b/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.cc
>>>>> index 77a2a6bfa3a..71fba9cc63b 100644
>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.cc
>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.cc
>>>>> @@ -16627,16 +16627,6 @@ aarch64_vectorize_create_costs (vec_info *vinfo,
>>>>> bool costing_for_scalar)
>>>>> return new aarch64_vector_costs (vinfo, costing_for_scalar);
>>>>> }
>>>>> -/* Return true if the current CPU should use the new costs defined
>>>>> - in GCC 11. This should be removed for GCC 12 and above, with the
>>>>> - costs applying to all CPUs instead. */
>>>>> -static bool
>>>>> -aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p ()
>>>>> -{
>>>>> - return (aarch64_tune_params.extra_tuning_flags
>>>>> -}
>>>>> -
>>>>> /* Return the appropriate SIMD costs for vectors of type VECTYPE. */
>>>>> static const simd_vec_cost *
>>>>> aarch64_simd_vec_costs (tree vectype)
>>>>> @@ -17555,7 +17545,7 @@ aarch64_vector_costs::add_stmt_cost (int count,
>>>>> vect_cost_for_stmt kind,
>>>>> /* Do one-time initialization based on the vinfo. */
>>>>> loop_vec_info loop_vinfo = dyn_cast<loop_vec_info> (m_vinfo);
>>>>> - if (!m_analyzed_vinfo && aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p ())
>>>>> + if (!m_analyzed_vinfo)
>>>>> {
>>>>> if (loop_vinfo)
>>>>> analyze_loop_vinfo (loop_vinfo);
>>>>> @@ -17573,7 +17563,7 @@ aarch64_vector_costs::add_stmt_cost (int count,
>>>>> vect_cost_for_stmt kind,
>>>>> /* Try to get a more accurate cost by looking at STMT_INFO instead
>>>>> of just looking at KIND. */
>>>>> - if (stmt_info && aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p ())
>>>>> + if (stmt_info)
>>>>> {
>>>>> /* If we scalarize a strided store, the vectorizer costs one
>>>>> vec_to_scalar for each element. However, we can store the first
>>>>> @@ -17638,7 +17628,7 @@ aarch64_vector_costs::add_stmt_cost (int count,
>>>>> vect_cost_for_stmt kind,
>>>>> else
>>>>> m_num_last_promote_demote = 0;
>>>>> - if (stmt_info && aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p ())
>>>>> + if (stmt_info)
>>>>> {
>>>>> /* Account for any extra "embedded" costs that apply additively
>>>>> to the base cost calculated above. */
>>>>> @@ -17999,9 +17989,7 @@ aarch64_vector_costs::finish_cost (const
>>>>> vector_costs *uncast_scalar_costs)
>>>>> auto *scalar_costs
>>>>> = static_cast<const aarch64_vector_costs *> (uncast_scalar_costs);
>>>>> - if (loop_vinfo
>>>>> - && m_vec_flags
>>>>> - && aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p ())
>>>>> + if (loop_vinfo && m_vec_flags)
>>>>> {
>>>>> m_costs[vect_body] = adjust_body_cost (loop_vinfo, scalar_costs,
>>>>> m_costs[vect_body]);
>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h
>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h
>>>>> index b2ff716157a..0a8eff69307 100644
>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h
>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h
>>>>> @@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ static const struct tune_params cortexx925_tunings =
>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_AVOID_PRED_RMW), /* tune_flags. */
>>>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h
>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h
>>>>> index 2d704ecd110..a564528f43d 100644
>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h
>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h
>>>>> @@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ static const struct tune_params fujitsu_monaka_tunings =
>>>>> 0, /* max_case_values. */
>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>>>> AARCH64_LDP_STP_POLICY_ALWAYS, /* ldp_policy_model. */
>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h
>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h
>>>>> index bdd309ab03d..f090d5cde50 100644
>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h
>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h
>>>>> @@ -183,7 +183,6 @@ static const struct tune_params
>>>>> generic_armv8_a_tunings =
>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>>>> AARCH64_LDP_STP_POLICY_ALWAYS, /* ldp_policy_model. */
>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h
>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h
>>>>> index a05a9ab92a2..4c33c147444 100644
>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h
>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h
>>>>> @@ -249,7 +249,6 @@ static const struct tune_params
>>>>> generic_armv9_a_tunings =
>>>>> 0, /* max_case_values. */
>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>> &generic_armv9a_prefetch_tune,
>>>>> AARCH64_LDP_STP_POLICY_ALWAYS, /* ldp_policy_model. */
>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h
>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h
>>>>> index c407b89a22f..fe4f7c10f73 100644
>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h
>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h
>>>>> @@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ static const struct tune_params
>>>>> neoverse512tvb_tunings =
>>>>> 0, /* max_case_values. */
>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>>>> AARCH64_LDP_STP_POLICY_ALWAYS, /* ldp_policy_model. */
>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h
>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h
>>>>> index fd5f8f37370..0c74068da2c 100644
>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h
>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h
>>>>> @@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ static const struct tune_params neoversen2_tunings =
>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_AVOID_PRED_RMW), /* tune_flags. */
>>>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h
>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h
>>>>> index 8b156c2fe4d..9d4e1be171a 100644
>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h
>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h
>>>>> @@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ static const struct tune_params neoversen3_tunings =
>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>>>> AARCH64_LDP_STP_POLICY_ALWAYS, /* ldp_policy_model. */
>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h
>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h
>>>>> index 23c121d8652..85a78bb2bef 100644
>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h
>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h
>>>>> @@ -228,7 +228,6 @@ static const struct tune_params neoversev1_tunings =
>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_AVOID_PRED_RMW), /* tune_flags. */
>>>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h
>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h
>>>>> index 40af5f47f4f..1dd452beb8d 100644
>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h
>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h
>>>>> @@ -232,7 +232,6 @@ static const struct tune_params neoversev2_tunings =
>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_FULLY_PIPELINED_FMA), /* tune_flags. */
>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h
>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h
>>>>> index d65d74bfecf..d0ba5b1aef6 100644
>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h
>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h
>>>>> @@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ static const struct tune_params neoversev3_tunings =
>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_AVOID_PRED_RMW), /* tune_flags. */
>>>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h
>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h
>>>>> index 7b7fa0b4b08..a1572048503 100644
>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h
>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h
>>>>> @@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ static const struct tune_params neoversev3ae_tunings =
>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_AVOID_PRED_RMW), /* tune_flags. */
>>>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c
>>>>> b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c
>>>>> index 762805ff54b..c334b7a6875 100644
>>>>> --- a/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c
>>>>> +++ b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c
>>>>> @@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
>>>>> so we vectorize the offset calculation. This means that the
>>>>> 64-bit version needs two copies. */
>>>>> /* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tld1w\tz[0-9]+\.s, p[0-7]/z,
>>>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.s, uxtw 2\]\n} 3 } } */
>>>>> -/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tld1d\tz[0-9]+\.d, p[0-7]/z,
>>>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.d, lsl 3\]\n} 15 } } */
>>>>> +/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tld1d\tz[0-9]+\.d, p[0-7]/z,
>>>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.d, lsl 3\]\n} 9 } } */
>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c
>>>>> b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c
>>>>> index f0ea58e38e2..94cc63049bc 100644
>>>>> --- a/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c
>>>>> +++ b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c
>>>>> @@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
>>>>> so we vectorize the offset calculation. This means that the
>>>>> 64-bit version needs two copies. */
>>>>> /* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tst1w\tz[0-9]+\.s, p[0-7],
>>>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.s, uxtw 2\]\n} 3 } } */
>>>>> -/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tst1d\tz[0-9]+\.d, p[0-7],
>>>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.d, lsl 3\]\n} 15 } } */
>>>>> +/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tst1d\tz[0-9]+\.d, p[0-7],
>>>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.d, lsl 3\]\n} 9 } } */
>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/tree-vect-stmts.cc b/gcc/tree-vect-stmts.cc
>>>>> index be1139a423c..6d7d28c4702 100644
>>>>> --- a/gcc/tree-vect-stmts.cc
>>>>> +++ b/gcc/tree-vect-stmts.cc
>>>>> @@ -8834,19 +8834,16 @@ vectorizable_store (vec_info *vinfo,
>>>>> {
>>>>> if (costing_p)
>>>>> {
>>>>> - /* Only need vector extracting when there are more
>>>>> - than one stores. */
>>>>> - if (nstores > 1)
>>>>> - inside_cost
>>>>> - += record_stmt_cost (cost_vec, 1, vec_to_scalar,
>>>>> - stmt_info, slp_node,
>>>>> - 0, vect_body);
>>>>> /* Take a single lane vector type store as scalar
>>>>> store to avoid ICE like 110776. */
>>>>> - if (VECTOR_TYPE_P (ltype)
>>>>> - && known_ne (TYPE_VECTOR_SUBPARTS (ltype), 1U))
>>>>> + bool single_lane_vec_p =
>>>>> + VECTOR_TYPE_P (ltype)
>>>>> + && known_ne (TYPE_VECTOR_SUBPARTS (ltype), 1U);
>>>>> + /* Only need vector extracting when there are more
>>>>> + than one stores. */
>>>>> + if (nstores > 1 || single_lane_vec_p)
>>>>> n_adjacent_stores++;
>>>>> - else
>>>>> + if (!single_lane_vec_p)
>>>> I think it's somewhat non-obvious that nstores > 1 and single_lane_vec_p
>>>> correlate. In fact I think that we always record a store, just for
>>>> single-element
>>>> vectors we record scalar stores. I suggest to here always to just
>>>> n_adjacent_stores++
>>>> and below ...
>>>>> inside_cost
>>>>> += record_stmt_cost (cost_vec, 1, scalar_store,
>>>>> stmt_info, 0, vect_body);
>>>>> @@ -8905,9 +8902,15 @@ vectorizable_store (vec_info *vinfo,
>>>>> if (costing_p)
>>>>> {
>>>>> if (n_adjacent_stores > 0)
>>>>> - vect_get_store_cost (vinfo, stmt_info, slp_node,
>>>>> n_adjacent_stores,
>>>>> - alignment_support_scheme, misalignment,
>>>>> - &inside_cost, cost_vec);
>>>>> + {
>>>>> + vect_get_store_cost (vinfo, stmt_info, slp_node,
>>>>> n_adjacent_stores,
>>>>> + alignment_support_scheme, misalignment,
>>>>> + &inside_cost, cost_vec);
>>>> ... record n_adjacent_stores scalar_store when ltype is single-lane and
>>>> record
>>>> n_adjacent_stores vect_to_scalar if nstores > 1 (and else none).
>>>> Richard.
>>> Thanks for the feedback, I’m glad it’s going in the right direction. Below
>>> is the updated patch, re-validated on aarch64.
>>> Thanks, Jennifer
>>> This patch removes the AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_USE_NEW_VECTOR_COSTS tunable and
>>> use_new_vector_costs entry in aarch64-tuning-flags.def and makes the
>>> AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_USE_NEW_VECTOR_COSTS paths in the backend the
>>> default. To that end, the function aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p and its
>>> uses
>>> were removed. To prevent costing vec_to_scalar operations with 0, as
>>> described in
>>> https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-October/665481.html,
>>> we adjusted vectorizable_store such that the variable n_adjacent_stores
>>> also covers vec_to_scalar operations. This way vec_to_scalar operations
>>> are not costed individually, but as a group.
>>> Two tests were adjusted due to changes in codegen. In both cases, the
>>> old code performed loop unrolling once, but the new code does not:
>>> Example from gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c (compiled with
>>> -O2 -ftree-vectorize -march=armv8.2-a+sve -mtune=generic
>>> -moverride=tune=none):
>>> f_int64_t_32:
>>> cbz w3, .L92
>>> mov x4, 0
>>> uxtw x3, w3
>>> + cntd x5
>>> + whilelo p7.d, xzr, x3
>>> + mov z29.s, w5
>>> mov z31.s, w2
>>> - whilelo p6.d, xzr, x3
>>> - mov x2, x3
>>> - index z30.s, #0, #1
>>> - uqdecd x2
>>> - ptrue p5.b, all
>>> - whilelo p7.d, xzr, x2
>>> + index z30.d, #0, #1
>>> + ptrue p6.b, all
>>> .p2align 3,,7
>>> .L94:
>>> - ld1d z27.d, p7/z, [x0, #1, mul vl]
>>> - ld1d z28.d, p6/z, [x0]
>>> - movprfx z29, z31
>>> - mul z29.s, p5/m, z29.s, z30.s
>>> - incw x4
>>> - uunpklo z0.d, z29.s
>>> - uunpkhi z29.d, z29.s
>>> - ld1d z25.d, p6/z, [x1, z0.d, lsl 3]
>>> - ld1d z26.d, p7/z, [x1, z29.d, lsl 3]
>>> - add z25.d, z28.d, z25.d
>>> + ld1d z27.d, p7/z, [x0, x4, lsl 3]
>>> + movprfx z28, z31
>>> + mul z28.s, p6/m, z28.s, z30.s
>>> + ld1d z26.d, p7/z, [x1, z28.d, uxtw 3]
>>> add z26.d, z27.d, z26.d
>>> - st1d z26.d, p7, [x0, #1, mul vl]
>>> - whilelo p7.d, x4, x2
>>> - st1d z25.d, p6, [x0]
>>> - incw z30.s
>>> - incb x0, all, mul #2
>>> - whilelo p6.d, x4, x3
>>> + st1d z26.d, p7, [x0, x4, lsl 3]
>>> + add z30.s, z30.s, z29.s
>>> + incd x4
>>> + whilelo p7.d, x4, x3
>>> b.any .L94
>>> .L92:
>>> ret
>>> Example from gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c (compiled with
>>> -O2 -ftree-vectorize -march=armv8.2-a+sve -mtune=generic
>>> -moverride=tune=none):
>>> f_int64_t_32:
>>> cbz w3, .L84
>>> - addvl x5, x1, #1
>>> mov x4, 0
>>> uxtw x3, w3
>>> - mov z31.s, w2
>>> + cntd x5
>>> whilelo p7.d, xzr, x3
>>> - mov x2, x3
>>> - index z30.s, #0, #1
>>> - uqdecd x2
>>> - ptrue p5.b, all
>>> - whilelo p6.d, xzr, x2
>>> + mov z29.s, w5
>>> + mov z31.s, w2
>>> + index z30.d, #0, #1
>>> + ptrue p6.b, all
>>> .p2align 3,,7
>>> .L86:
>>> - ld1d z28.d, p7/z, [x1, x4, lsl 3]
>>> - ld1d z27.d, p6/z, [x5, x4, lsl 3]
>>> - movprfx z29, z30
>>> - mul z29.s, p5/m, z29.s, z31.s
>>> - add z28.d, z28.d, #1
>>> - uunpklo z26.d, z29.s
>>> - st1d z28.d, p7, [x0, z26.d, lsl 3]
>>> - incw x4
>>> - uunpkhi z29.d, z29.s
>>> + ld1d z27.d, p7/z, [x1, x4, lsl 3]
>>> + movprfx z28, z30
>>> + mul z28.s, p6/m, z28.s, z31.s
>>> add z27.d, z27.d, #1
>>> - whilelo p6.d, x4, x2
>>> - st1d z27.d, p7, [x0, z29.d, lsl 3]
>>> - incw z30.s
>>> + st1d z27.d, p7, [x0, z28.d, uxtw 3]
>>> + incd x4
>>> + add z30.s, z30.s, z29.s
>>> whilelo p7.d, x4, x3
>>> b.any .L86
>>> .L84:
>>> ret
>>> The patch was bootstrapped and tested on aarch64-linux-gnu, no
>>> regression.
>>> OK for mainline?
>>> Signed-off-by: Jennifer Schmitz <jschm...@nvidia.com>
>>> gcc/
>>> * tree-vect-stmts.cc (vectorizable_store): Extend the use of
>>> n_adjacent_stores to also cover vec_to_scalar operations.
>>> * config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def: Remove
>>> use_new_vector_costs as tuning option.
>>> * config/aarch64/aarch64.cc (aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p):
>>> Remove.
>>> (aarch64_vector_costs::add_stmt_cost): Remove use of
>>> aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p.
>>> (aarch64_vector_costs::finish_cost): Remove use of
>>> aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p.
>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h: Remove
>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h: Likewise.
>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h: Likewise.
>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h: Likewise.
>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h: Likewise.
>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h: Likewise.
>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h: Likewise.
>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h: Likewise.
>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h: Likewise.
>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h: Likewise.
>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h: Likewise.
>>> gcc/testsuite/
>>> * gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c: Adjust expected outcome.
>>> * gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c: Likewise.
>>> ---
>>> gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def | 2 -
>>> gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.cc | 20 ++--------
>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h | 1 -
>>> .../aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h | 1 -
>>> .../aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h | 1 -
>>> .../aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h | 1 -
>>> .../aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h | 1 -
>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h | 1 -
>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h | 1 -
>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h | 1 -
>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h | 1 -
>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h | 1 -
>>> .../aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h | 1 -
>>> .../gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c | 2 +-
>>> .../gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c | 2 +-
>>> gcc/tree-vect-stmts.cc | 37 +++++++++++--------
>>> 16 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def
>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def
>>> index ffbff20e29c..1de633c739b 100644
>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def
>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def
>>> @@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNING_OPTION ("cheap_shift_extend",
>>> AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNING_OPTION ("cse_sve_vl_constants", CSE_SVE_VL_CONSTANTS)
>>> -AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNING_OPTION ("use_new_vector_costs", USE_NEW_VECTOR_COSTS)
>>> -
>>> AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNING_OPTION ("matched_vector_throughput",
>>> AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNING_OPTION ("avoid_cross_loop_fma", AVOID_CROSS_LOOP_FMA)
>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.cc b/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.cc
>>> index 77a2a6bfa3a..71fba9cc63b 100644
>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.cc
>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.cc
>>> @@ -16627,16 +16627,6 @@ aarch64_vectorize_create_costs (vec_info *vinfo,
>>> bool costing_for_scalar)
>>> return new aarch64_vector_costs (vinfo, costing_for_scalar);
>>> }
>>> -/* Return true if the current CPU should use the new costs defined
>>> - in GCC 11. This should be removed for GCC 12 and above, with the
>>> - costs applying to all CPUs instead. */
>>> -static bool
>>> -aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p ()
>>> -{
>>> - return (aarch64_tune_params.extra_tuning_flags
>>> -}
>>> -
>>> /* Return the appropriate SIMD costs for vectors of type VECTYPE. */
>>> static const simd_vec_cost *
>>> aarch64_simd_vec_costs (tree vectype)
>>> @@ -17555,7 +17545,7 @@ aarch64_vector_costs::add_stmt_cost (int count,
>>> vect_cost_for_stmt kind,
>>> /* Do one-time initialization based on the vinfo. */
>>> loop_vec_info loop_vinfo = dyn_cast<loop_vec_info> (m_vinfo);
>>> - if (!m_analyzed_vinfo && aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p ())
>>> + if (!m_analyzed_vinfo)
>>> {
>>> if (loop_vinfo)
>>> analyze_loop_vinfo (loop_vinfo);
>>> @@ -17573,7 +17563,7 @@ aarch64_vector_costs::add_stmt_cost (int count,
>>> vect_cost_for_stmt kind,
>>> /* Try to get a more accurate cost by looking at STMT_INFO instead
>>> of just looking at KIND. */
>>> - if (stmt_info && aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p ())
>>> + if (stmt_info)
>>> {
>>> /* If we scalarize a strided store, the vectorizer costs one
>>> vec_to_scalar for each element. However, we can store the first
>>> @@ -17638,7 +17628,7 @@ aarch64_vector_costs::add_stmt_cost (int count,
>>> vect_cost_for_stmt kind,
>>> else
>>> m_num_last_promote_demote = 0;
>>> - if (stmt_info && aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p ())
>>> + if (stmt_info)
>>> {
>>> /* Account for any extra "embedded" costs that apply additively
>>> to the base cost calculated above. */
>>> @@ -17999,9 +17989,7 @@ aarch64_vector_costs::finish_cost (const
>>> vector_costs *uncast_scalar_costs)
>>> auto *scalar_costs
>>> = static_cast<const aarch64_vector_costs *> (uncast_scalar_costs);
>>> - if (loop_vinfo
>>> - && m_vec_flags
>>> - && aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p ())
>>> + if (loop_vinfo && m_vec_flags)
>>> {
>>> m_costs[vect_body] = adjust_body_cost (loop_vinfo, scalar_costs,
>>> m_costs[vect_body]);
>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h
>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h
>>> index 5ebaf66e986..74772f3e15f 100644
>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h
>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h
>>> @@ -221,7 +221,6 @@ static const struct tune_params cortexx925_tunings =
>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_AVOID_PRED_RMW), /* tune_flags. */
>>> &generic_armv9a_prefetch_tune,
>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h
>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h
>>> index 2d704ecd110..a564528f43d 100644
>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h
>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h
>>> @@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ static const struct tune_params fujitsu_monaka_tunings =
>>> 0, /* max_case_values. */
>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>> AARCH64_LDP_STP_POLICY_ALWAYS, /* ldp_policy_model. */
>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h
>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h
>>> index bdd309ab03d..f090d5cde50 100644
>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h
>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h
>>> @@ -183,7 +183,6 @@ static const struct tune_params generic_armv8_a_tunings
>>> =
>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>> AARCH64_LDP_STP_POLICY_ALWAYS, /* ldp_policy_model. */
>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h
>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h
>>> index 785e00946bc..7b5821183bc 100644
>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h
>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h
>>> @@ -251,7 +251,6 @@ static const struct tune_params generic_armv9_a_tunings
>>> =
>>> 0, /* max_case_values. */
>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>> &generic_armv9a_prefetch_tune,
>>> AARCH64_LDP_STP_POLICY_ALWAYS, /* ldp_policy_model. */
>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h
>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h
>>> index 007f987154c..f7457df59e5 100644
>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h
>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h
>>> @@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ static const struct tune_params neoverse512tvb_tunings =
>>> 0, /* max_case_values. */
>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>> &generic_armv9a_prefetch_tune,
>>> AARCH64_LDP_STP_POLICY_ALWAYS, /* ldp_policy_model. */
>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h
>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h
>>> index 32560d2f5f8..541b61c8179 100644
>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h
>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h
>>> @@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ static const struct tune_params neoversen2_tunings =
>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_AVOID_PRED_RMW), /* tune_flags. */
>>> &generic_armv9a_prefetch_tune,
>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h
>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h
>>> index 2010bc4645b..eff668132a8 100644
>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h
>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h
>>> @@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ static const struct tune_params neoversen3_tunings =
>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>> &generic_armv9a_prefetch_tune,
>>> AARCH64_LDP_STP_POLICY_ALWAYS, /* ldp_policy_model. */
>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h
>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h
>>> index c3751e32696..d11472b6e1e 100644
>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h
>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h
>>> @@ -228,7 +228,6 @@ static const struct tune_params neoversev1_tunings =
>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_AVOID_PRED_RMW), /* tune_flags. */
>>> &generic_armv9a_prefetch_tune,
>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h
>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h
>>> index 80dbe5c806c..ee77ffdd3bc 100644
>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h
>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h
>>> @@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ static const struct tune_params neoversev2_tunings =
>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_FULLY_PIPELINED_FMA), /* tune_flags. */
>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h
>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h
>>> index efe09e16d1e..6ef143ef7d5 100644
>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h
>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h
>>> @@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ static const struct tune_params neoversev3_tunings =
>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_AVOID_PRED_RMW), /* tune_flags. */
>>> &generic_armv9a_prefetch_tune,
>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h
>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h
>>> index 66849f30889..96bdbf971f1 100644
>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h
>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h
>>> @@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ static const struct tune_params neoversev3ae_tunings =
>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_AVOID_PRED_RMW), /* tune_flags. */
>>> &generic_armv9a_prefetch_tune,
>>> diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c
>>> b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c
>>> index 762805ff54b..c334b7a6875 100644
>>> --- a/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c
>>> +++ b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c
>>> @@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
>>> so we vectorize the offset calculation. This means that the
>>> 64-bit version needs two copies. */
>>> /* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tld1w\tz[0-9]+\.s, p[0-7]/z,
>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.s, uxtw 2\]\n} 3 } } */
>>> -/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tld1d\tz[0-9]+\.d, p[0-7]/z,
>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.d, lsl 3\]\n} 15 } } */
>>> +/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tld1d\tz[0-9]+\.d, p[0-7]/z,
>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.d, lsl 3\]\n} 9 } } */
>>> diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c
>>> b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c
>>> index f0ea58e38e2..94cc63049bc 100644
>>> --- a/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c
>>> +++ b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c
>>> @@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
>>> so we vectorize the offset calculation. This means that the
>>> 64-bit version needs two copies. */
>>> /* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tst1w\tz[0-9]+\.s, p[0-7],
>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.s, uxtw 2\]\n} 3 } } */
>>> -/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tst1d\tz[0-9]+\.d, p[0-7],
>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.d, lsl 3\]\n} 15 } } */
>>> +/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tst1d\tz[0-9]+\.d, p[0-7],
>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.d, lsl 3\]\n} 9 } } */
>>> diff --git a/gcc/tree-vect-stmts.cc b/gcc/tree-vect-stmts.cc
>>> index be1139a423c..ab57163c243 100644
>>> --- a/gcc/tree-vect-stmts.cc
>>> +++ b/gcc/tree-vect-stmts.cc
>>> @@ -8834,19 +8834,8 @@ vectorizable_store (vec_info *vinfo,
>>> {
>>> if (costing_p)
>>> {
>>> - /* Only need vector extracting when there are more
>>> - than one stores. */
>>> - if (nstores > 1)
>>> - inside_cost
>>> - += record_stmt_cost (cost_vec, 1, vec_to_scalar,
>>> - stmt_info, slp_node,
>>> - 0, vect_body);
>>> - /* Take a single lane vector type store as scalar
>>> - store to avoid ICE like 110776. */
>>> - if (VECTOR_TYPE_P (ltype)
>>> - && known_ne (TYPE_VECTOR_SUBPARTS (ltype), 1U))
>>> - n_adjacent_stores++;
>>> - else
>>> + n_adjacent_stores++;
>>> + if (!VECTOR_TYPE_P (ltype))
>> This should be combined with the Single lane Vector case belle
>>> inside_cost
>>> += record_stmt_cost (cost_vec, 1, scalar_store,
>>> stmt_info, 0, vect_body);
>>> @@ -8905,9 +8894,25 @@ vectorizable_store (vec_info *vinfo,
>>> if (costing_p)
>>> {
>>> if (n_adjacent_stores > 0)
>>> - vect_get_store_cost (vinfo, stmt_info, slp_node, n_adjacent_stores,
>>> - alignment_support_scheme, misalignment,
>>> - &inside_cost, cost_vec);
>>> + {
>>> + /* Take a single lane vector type store as scalar
>>> + store to avoid ICE like 110776. */
>>> + if (VECTOR_TYPE_P (ltype)
>>> + && known_ne (TYPE_VECTOR_SUBPARTS (ltype), 1U))
>>> + inside_cost
>>> + += record_stmt_cost (cost_vec, n_adjacent_stores,
>>> + scalar_store, stmt_info, 0, vect_body);
>>> + /* Only need vector extracting when there are more
>>> + than one stores. */
>>> + if (nstores > 1)
>>> + inside_cost
>>> + += record_stmt_cost (cost_vec, n_adjacent_stores,
>>> + vec_to_scalar, stmt_info, slp_node,
>>> + 0, vect_body);
>>> + vect_get_store_cost (vinfo, stmt_info, slp_node,
>> This should be Inlay done for Multi-lane vectors
> Thanks for the quick reply. As I am making the changes, I am wondering: Do we
> even need n_adjacent_stores anymore? It appears to always have the same value
> as nstores. Can we remove it and use nstores instead or does it still serve
> another purpose?
It was a heuristic needed for powerpc(?), can you confirm we’re not combining
stores from VF unrolling for strided SLP stores?
> Thanks, Jennifer
>>> + n_adjacent_stores, alignment_support_scheme,
>>> + misalignment, &inside_cost, cost_vec);
>>> + }
>>> if (dump_enabled_p ())
>>> dump_printf_loc (MSG_NOTE, vect_location,
>>> "vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = %d, "
>>> --
>>> 2.34.1
>>>>> + inside_cost
>>>>> + += record_stmt_cost (cost_vec, n_adjacent_stores,
>>>>> vec_to_scalar,
>>>>> + stmt_info, slp_node,
>>>>> + 0, vect_body);
>>>>> + }
>>>>> if (dump_enabled_p ())
>>>>> dump_printf_loc (MSG_NOTE, vect_location,
>>>>> "vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = %d, "
>>>>> --
>>>>> 2.44.0
>>>>>>> Richard
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Jennifer
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Jennifer
>>>>>>>>>> This patch removes the AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_USE_NEW_VECTOR_COSTS
>>>>>>>>>> tunable and
>>>>>>>>>> use_new_vector_costs entry in aarch64-tuning-flags.def and makes the
>>>>>>>>>> AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_USE_NEW_VECTOR_COSTS paths in the backend the
>>>>>>>>>> default. To that end, the function aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p
>>>>>>>>>> and its uses
>>>>>>>>>> were removed. To prevent costing vec_to_scalar operations with 0, as
>>>>>>>>>> described in
>>>>>>>>>> https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-October/665481.html,
>>>>>>>>>> we guarded the call to vect_is_store_elt_extraction in
>>>>>>>>>> aarch64_vector_costs::add_stmt_cost by count > 1.
>>>>>>>>>> Two tests were adjusted due to changes in codegen. In both cases, the
>>>>>>>>>> old code performed loop unrolling once, but the new code does not:
>>>>>>>>>> Example from gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c (compiled with
>>>>>>>>>> -O2 -ftree-vectorize -march=armv8.2-a+sve -mtune=generic
>>>>>>>>>> -moverride=tune=none):
>>>>>>>>>> f_int64_t_32:
>>>>>>>>>> cbz w3, .L92
>>>>>>>>>> mov x4, 0
>>>>>>>>>> uxtw x3, w3
>>>>>>>>>> + cntd x5
>>>>>>>>>> + whilelo p7.d, xzr, x3
>>>>>>>>>> + mov z29.s, w5
>>>>>>>>>> mov z31.s, w2
>>>>>>>>>> - whilelo p6.d, xzr, x3
>>>>>>>>>> - mov x2, x3
>>>>>>>>>> - index z30.s, #0, #1
>>>>>>>>>> - uqdecd x2
>>>>>>>>>> - ptrue p5.b, all
>>>>>>>>>> - whilelo p7.d, xzr, x2
>>>>>>>>>> + index z30.d, #0, #1
>>>>>>>>>> + ptrue p6.b, all
>>>>>>>>>> .p2align 3,,7
>>>>>>>>>> .L94:
>>>>>>>>>> - ld1d z27.d, p7/z, [x0, #1, mul vl]
>>>>>>>>>> - ld1d z28.d, p6/z, [x0]
>>>>>>>>>> - movprfx z29, z31
>>>>>>>>>> - mul z29.s, p5/m, z29.s, z30.s
>>>>>>>>>> - incw x4
>>>>>>>>>> - uunpklo z0.d, z29.s
>>>>>>>>>> - uunpkhi z29.d, z29.s
>>>>>>>>>> - ld1d z25.d, p6/z, [x1, z0.d, lsl 3]
>>>>>>>>>> - ld1d z26.d, p7/z, [x1, z29.d, lsl 3]
>>>>>>>>>> - add z25.d, z28.d, z25.d
>>>>>>>>>> + ld1d z27.d, p7/z, [x0, x4, lsl 3]
>>>>>>>>>> + movprfx z28, z31
>>>>>>>>>> + mul z28.s, p6/m, z28.s, z30.s
>>>>>>>>>> + ld1d z26.d, p7/z, [x1, z28.d, uxtw 3]
>>>>>>>>>> add z26.d, z27.d, z26.d
>>>>>>>>>> - st1d z26.d, p7, [x0, #1, mul vl]
>>>>>>>>>> - whilelo p7.d, x4, x2
>>>>>>>>>> - st1d z25.d, p6, [x0]
>>>>>>>>>> - incw z30.s
>>>>>>>>>> - incb x0, all, mul #2
>>>>>>>>>> - whilelo p6.d, x4, x3
>>>>>>>>>> + st1d z26.d, p7, [x0, x4, lsl 3]
>>>>>>>>>> + add z30.s, z30.s, z29.s
>>>>>>>>>> + incd x4
>>>>>>>>>> + whilelo p7.d, x4, x3
>>>>>>>>>> b.any .L94
>>>>>>>>>> .L92:
>>>>>>>>>> ret
>>>>>>>>>> Example from gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c (compiled with
>>>>>>>>>> -O2 -ftree-vectorize -march=armv8.2-a+sve -mtune=generic
>>>>>>>>>> -moverride=tune=none):
>>>>>>>>>> f_int64_t_32:
>>>>>>>>>> cbz w3, .L84
>>>>>>>>>> - addvl x5, x1, #1
>>>>>>>>>> mov x4, 0
>>>>>>>>>> uxtw x3, w3
>>>>>>>>>> - mov z31.s, w2
>>>>>>>>>> + cntd x5
>>>>>>>>>> whilelo p7.d, xzr, x3
>>>>>>>>>> - mov x2, x3
>>>>>>>>>> - index z30.s, #0, #1
>>>>>>>>>> - uqdecd x2
>>>>>>>>>> - ptrue p5.b, all
>>>>>>>>>> - whilelo p6.d, xzr, x2
>>>>>>>>>> + mov z29.s, w5
>>>>>>>>>> + mov z31.s, w2
>>>>>>>>>> + index z30.d, #0, #1
>>>>>>>>>> + ptrue p6.b, all
>>>>>>>>>> .p2align 3,,7
>>>>>>>>>> .L86:
>>>>>>>>>> - ld1d z28.d, p7/z, [x1, x4, lsl 3]
>>>>>>>>>> - ld1d z27.d, p6/z, [x5, x4, lsl 3]
>>>>>>>>>> - movprfx z29, z30
>>>>>>>>>> - mul z29.s, p5/m, z29.s, z31.s
>>>>>>>>>> - add z28.d, z28.d, #1
>>>>>>>>>> - uunpklo z26.d, z29.s
>>>>>>>>>> - st1d z28.d, p7, [x0, z26.d, lsl 3]
>>>>>>>>>> - incw x4
>>>>>>>>>> - uunpkhi z29.d, z29.s
>>>>>>>>>> + ld1d z27.d, p7/z, [x1, x4, lsl 3]
>>>>>>>>>> + movprfx z28, z30
>>>>>>>>>> + mul z28.s, p6/m, z28.s, z31.s
>>>>>>>>>> add z27.d, z27.d, #1
>>>>>>>>>> - whilelo p6.d, x4, x2
>>>>>>>>>> - st1d z27.d, p7, [x0, z29.d, lsl 3]
>>>>>>>>>> - incw z30.s
>>>>>>>>>> + st1d z27.d, p7, [x0, z28.d, uxtw 3]
>>>>>>>>>> + incd x4
>>>>>>>>>> + add z30.s, z30.s, z29.s
>>>>>>>>>> whilelo p7.d, x4, x3
>>>>>>>>>> b.any .L86
>>>>>>>>>> .L84:
>>>>>>>>>> ret
>>>>>>>>>> The patch was bootstrapped and tested on aarch64-linux-gnu, no
>>>>>>>>>> regression. We also ran SPEC2017 with -mcpu=generic on a Grace
>>>>>>>>>> machine and saw
>>>>>>>>>> no non-noise impact on performance. We would appreciate help with
>>>>>>>>>> wider
>>>>>>>>>> benchmarking on other platforms, if necessary.
>>>>>>>>>> OK for mainline?
>>>>>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Jennifer Schmitz <jschm...@nvidia.com>
>>>>>>>>>> gcc/
>>>>>>>>>> * config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def: Remove
>>>>>>>>>> use_new_vector_costs as tuning option.
>>>>>>>>>> * config/aarch64/aarch64.cc (aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p):
>>>>>>>>>> Remove.
>>>>>>>>>> (aarch64_vector_costs::add_stmt_cost): Remove use of
>>>>>>>>>> aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p and guard call to
>>>>>>>>>> vect_is_store_elt_extraction with count > 1.
>>>>>>>>>> (aarch64_vector_costs::finish_cost): Remove use of
>>>>>>>>>> aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p.
>>>>>>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h: Remove
>>>>>>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h: Likewise.
>>>>>>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h: Likewise.
>>>>>>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h: Likewise.
>>>>>>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h: Likewise.
>>>>>>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h: Likewise.
>>>>>>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h: Likewise.
>>>>>>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h: Likewise.
>>>>>>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h: Likewise.
>>>>>>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h: Likewise.
>>>>>>>>>> * config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h: Likewise.
>>>>>>>>>> gcc/testsuite/
>>>>>>>>>> * gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c: Adjust expected outcome.
>>>>>>>>>> * gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c: Likewise.
>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>> gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def | 2 --
>>>>>>>>>> gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.cc | 22
>>>>>>>>>> +++++--------------
>>>>>>>>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h | 1 -
>>>>>>>>>> .../aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h | 1 -
>>>>>>>>>> .../aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h | 1 -
>>>>>>>>>> .../aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h | 1 -
>>>>>>>>>> .../aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h | 1 -
>>>>>>>>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h | 1 -
>>>>>>>>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h | 1 -
>>>>>>>>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h | 1 -
>>>>>>>>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h | 1 -
>>>>>>>>>> gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h | 1 -
>>>>>>>>>> .../aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h | 1 -
>>>>>>>>>> .../gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c | 2 +-
>>>>>>>>>> .../gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c | 2 +-
>>>>>>>>>> 15 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
>>>>>>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def
>>>>>>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def
>>>>>>>>>> index 5939602576b..ed345b13ed3 100644
>>>>>>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def
>>>>>>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-tuning-flags.def
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNING_OPTION ("cheap_shift_extend",
>>>>>>>>>> AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNING_OPTION ("cse_sve_vl_constants",
>>>>>>>>>> -AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNING_OPTION ("use_new_vector_costs",
>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>> AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNING_OPTION ("matched_vector_throughput",
>>>>>>>>>> AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNING_OPTION ("avoid_cross_loop_fma",
>>>>>>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.cc
>>>>>>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.cc
>>>>>>>>>> index 43238aefef2..03806671c97 100644
>>>>>>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.cc
>>>>>>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.cc
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -16566,16 +16566,6 @@ aarch64_vectorize_create_costs (vec_info
>>>>>>>>>> *vinfo, bool costing_for_scalar)
>>>>>>>>>> return new aarch64_vector_costs (vinfo, costing_for_scalar);
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> -/* Return true if the current CPU should use the new costs defined
>>>>>>>>>> - in GCC 11. This should be removed for GCC 12 and above, with the
>>>>>>>>>> - costs applying to all CPUs instead. */
>>>>>>>>>> -static bool
>>>>>>>>>> -aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p ()
>>>>>>>>>> -{
>>>>>>>>>> - return (aarch64_tune_params.extra_tuning_flags
>>>>>>>>>> -}
>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>> /* Return the appropriate SIMD costs for vectors of type VECTYPE. */
>>>>>>>>>> static const simd_vec_cost *
>>>>>>>>>> aarch64_simd_vec_costs (tree vectype)
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -17494,7 +17484,7 @@ aarch64_vector_costs::add_stmt_cost (int
>>>>>>>>>> count, vect_cost_for_stmt kind,
>>>>>>>>>> /* Do one-time initialization based on the vinfo. */
>>>>>>>>>> loop_vec_info loop_vinfo = dyn_cast<loop_vec_info> (m_vinfo);
>>>>>>>>>> - if (!m_analyzed_vinfo && aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p ())
>>>>>>>>>> + if (!m_analyzed_vinfo)
>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>> if (loop_vinfo)
>>>>>>>>>> analyze_loop_vinfo (loop_vinfo);
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -17512,12 +17502,12 @@ aarch64_vector_costs::add_stmt_cost (int
>>>>>>>>>> count, vect_cost_for_stmt kind,
>>>>>>>>>> /* Try to get a more accurate cost by looking at STMT_INFO instead
>>>>>>>>>> of just looking at KIND. */
>>>>>>>>>> - if (stmt_info && aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p ())
>>>>>>>>>> + if (stmt_info)
>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>> /* If we scalarize a strided store, the vectorizer costs one
>>>>>>>>>> vec_to_scalar for each element. However, we can store the first
>>>>>>>>>> element using an FP store without a separate extract step. */
>>>>>>>>>> - if (vect_is_store_elt_extraction (kind, stmt_info))
>>>>>>>>>> + if (vect_is_store_elt_extraction (kind, stmt_info) && count >
>>>>>>>>>> 1)
>>>>>>>>>> count -= 1;
>>>>>>>>>> stmt_cost = aarch64_detect_scalar_stmt_subtype (m_vinfo, kind,
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -17577,7 +17567,7 @@ aarch64_vector_costs::add_stmt_cost (int
>>>>>>>>>> count, vect_cost_for_stmt kind,
>>>>>>>>>> else
>>>>>>>>>> m_num_last_promote_demote = 0;
>>>>>>>>>> - if (stmt_info && aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p ())
>>>>>>>>>> + if (stmt_info)
>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>> /* Account for any extra "embedded" costs that apply additively
>>>>>>>>>> to the base cost calculated above. */
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -17938,9 +17928,7 @@ aarch64_vector_costs::finish_cost (const
>>>>>>>>>> vector_costs *uncast_scalar_costs)
>>>>>>>>>> auto *scalar_costs
>>>>>>>>>> = static_cast<const aarch64_vector_costs *> (uncast_scalar_costs);
>>>>>>>>>> - if (loop_vinfo
>>>>>>>>>> - && m_vec_flags
>>>>>>>>>> - && aarch64_use_new_vector_costs_p ())
>>>>>>>>>> + if (loop_vinfo && m_vec_flags)
>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>> m_costs[vect_body] = adjust_body_cost (loop_vinfo, scalar_costs,
>>>>>>>>>> m_costs[vect_body]);
>>>>>>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h
>>>>>>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h
>>>>>>>>>> index eb9b89984b0..dafea96e924 100644
>>>>>>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h
>>>>>>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/cortexx925.h
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ static const struct tune_params
>>>>>>>>>> cortexx925_tunings =
>>>>>>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>>>>>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_AVOID_PRED_RMW), /* tune_flags. */
>>>>>>>>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>>>>>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h
>>>>>>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h
>>>>>>>>>> index 6a098497759..ac001927959 100644
>>>>>>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h
>>>>>>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/fujitsu_monaka.h
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ static const struct tune_params
>>>>>>>>>> fujitsu_monaka_tunings =
>>>>>>>>>> 0, /* max_case_values. */
>>>>>>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>>>>>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_MATCHED_VECTOR_THROUGHPUT), /* tune_flags. */
>>>>>>>>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>>>>>>>>> AARCH64_LDP_STP_POLICY_ALWAYS, /* ldp_policy_model. */
>>>>>>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h
>>>>>>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h
>>>>>>>>>> index 9b1cbfc5bd2..7b534831340 100644
>>>>>>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h
>>>>>>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv8_a.h
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -183,7 +183,6 @@ static const struct tune_params
>>>>>>>>>> generic_armv8_a_tunings =
>>>>>>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>>>>>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_MATCHED_VECTOR_THROUGHPUT), /* tune_flags. */
>>>>>>>>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>>>>>>>>> AARCH64_LDP_STP_POLICY_ALWAYS, /* ldp_policy_model. */
>>>>>>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h
>>>>>>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h
>>>>>>>>>> index 48353a59939..562ef89c67b 100644
>>>>>>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h
>>>>>>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/generic_armv9_a.h
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -249,7 +249,6 @@ static const struct tune_params
>>>>>>>>>> generic_armv9_a_tunings =
>>>>>>>>>> 0, /* max_case_values. */
>>>>>>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>>>>>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_MATCHED_VECTOR_THROUGHPUT), /* tune_flags. */
>>>>>>>>>> &generic_armv9a_prefetch_tune,
>>>>>>>>>> AARCH64_LDP_STP_POLICY_ALWAYS, /* ldp_policy_model. */
>>>>>>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h
>>>>>>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h
>>>>>>>>>> index c407b89a22f..fe4f7c10f73 100644
>>>>>>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h
>>>>>>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoverse512tvb.h
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ static const struct tune_params
>>>>>>>>>> neoverse512tvb_tunings =
>>>>>>>>>> 0, /* max_case_values. */
>>>>>>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>>>>>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_MATCHED_VECTOR_THROUGHPUT), /* tune_flags. */
>>>>>>>>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>>>>>>>>> AARCH64_LDP_STP_POLICY_ALWAYS, /* ldp_policy_model. */
>>>>>>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h
>>>>>>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h
>>>>>>>>>> index 18199ac206c..56be77423cb 100644
>>>>>>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h
>>>>>>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen2.h
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ static const struct tune_params
>>>>>>>>>> neoversen2_tunings =
>>>>>>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>>>>>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_AVOID_PRED_RMW), /* tune_flags. */
>>>>>>>>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>>>>>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h
>>>>>>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h
>>>>>>>>>> index 4da85cfac0d..254ad5e27f8 100644
>>>>>>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h
>>>>>>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversen3.h
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ static const struct tune_params
>>>>>>>>>> neoversen3_tunings =
>>>>>>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>>>>>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_MATCHED_VECTOR_THROUGHPUT), /* tune_flags. */
>>>>>>>>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>>>>>>>>> AARCH64_LDP_STP_POLICY_ALWAYS, /* ldp_policy_model. */
>>>>>>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h
>>>>>>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h
>>>>>>>>>> index dd9120eee48..c7241cf23d7 100644
>>>>>>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h
>>>>>>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev1.h
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -227,7 +227,6 @@ static const struct tune_params
>>>>>>>>>> neoversev1_tunings =
>>>>>>>>>> 0, /* max_case_values. */
>>>>>>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>>>>>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_AVOID_PRED_RMW), /* tune_flags. */
>>>>>>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h
>>>>>>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h
>>>>>>>>>> index 1369de73991..96f55940649 100644
>>>>>>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h
>>>>>>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev2.h
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -232,7 +232,6 @@ static const struct tune_params
>>>>>>>>>> neoversev2_tunings =
>>>>>>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>>>>>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_FULLY_PIPELINED_FMA), /* tune_flags. */
>>>>>>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h
>>>>>>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h
>>>>>>>>>> index d8c82255378..f62ae67d355 100644
>>>>>>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h
>>>>>>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3.h
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ static const struct tune_params
>>>>>>>>>> neoversev3_tunings =
>>>>>>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>>>>>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_AVOID_PRED_RMW), /* tune_flags. */
>>>>>>>>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>>>>>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h
>>>>>>>>>> b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h
>>>>>>>>>> index 7f050501ede..0233baf5e34 100644
>>>>>>>>>> --- a/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h
>>>>>>>>>> +++ b/gcc/config/aarch64/tuning_models/neoversev3ae.h
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ static const struct tune_params
>>>>>>>>>> neoversev3ae_tunings =
>>>>>>>>>> tune_params::AUTOPREFETCHER_WEAK, /* autoprefetcher_model. */
>>>>>>>>>> | AARCH64_EXTRA_TUNE_AVOID_PRED_RMW), /* tune_flags. */
>>>>>>>>>> &generic_prefetch_tune,
>>>>>>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c
>>>>>>>>>> b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c
>>>>>>>>>> index 762805ff54b..c334b7a6875 100644
>>>>>>>>>> --- a/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c
>>>>>>>>>> +++ b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_load_2.c
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
>>>>>>>>>> so we vectorize the offset calculation. This means that the
>>>>>>>>>> 64-bit version needs two copies. */
>>>>>>>>>> /* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tld1w\tz[0-9]+\.s, p[0-7]/z,
>>>>>>>>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.s, uxtw 2\]\n} 3 } } */
>>>>>>>>>> -/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tld1d\tz[0-9]+\.d, p[0-7]/z,
>>>>>>>>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.d, lsl 3\]\n} 15 } } */
>>>>>>>>>> +/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tld1d\tz[0-9]+\.d, p[0-7]/z,
>>>>>>>>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.d, lsl 3\]\n} 9 } } */
>>>>>>>>>> diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c
>>>>>>>>>> b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c
>>>>>>>>>> index f0ea58e38e2..94cc63049bc 100644
>>>>>>>>>> --- a/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c
>>>>>>>>>> +++ b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/sve/strided_store_2.c
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
>>>>>>>>>> so we vectorize the offset calculation. This means that the
>>>>>>>>>> 64-bit version needs two copies. */
>>>>>>>>>> /* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tst1w\tz[0-9]+\.s, p[0-7],
>>>>>>>>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.s, uxtw 2\]\n} 3 } } */
>>>>>>>>>> -/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tst1d\tz[0-9]+\.d, p[0-7],
>>>>>>>>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.d, lsl 3\]\n} 15 } } */
>>>>>>>>>> +/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times {\tst1d\tz[0-9]+\.d, p[0-7],
>>>>>>>>>> \[x[0-9]+, z[0-9]+.d, lsl 3\]\n} 9 } } */
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Richard Biener <rguent...@suse.de>
>>>>>>>>> SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH,
>>>>>>>>> Frankenstrasse 146, 90461 Nuernberg, Germany;
>>>>>>>>> GF: Ivo Totev, Andrew McDonald, Werner Knoblich; (HRB 36809, AG
>>>>>>>>> Nuernberg)