Martin Uecker <> writes:

> Am Montag, dem 18.11.2024 um 17:55 +0000 schrieb Qing Zhao:
>> Hi,
>> I am working on extending “counted_by” attribute to pointers inside a 
>> structure per our previous discussion. 
>> I need advice on the following question:
>> Should -fsantize=bounds support array reference that was referenced through 
>> a pointer that has counted_by attribute? 
> I think the question is what -fsanitize=bounds is meant to be.
> I am a bit frustrated about the sanitizer.  On the
> one hand, it is not doing enough to get spatial memory
> safety even where this would be easily possible, on the
> other hand, is pedantic about things which are technically
> UB but not problematic and then one is prevented from
> using it

While I largely share your views on the coherence of sanitizers, I think
it's separate to whether we want -fsanitize=bounds to handle counted_by
in a particular way. It's worth us discussing properly in its own thread
on the gcc ML, IMO.

> When used in default mode, where execution continues, it
> also does not mix well with many warning, creates more code,
> and pulls in a libary dependency (and the library also depends
> on upstream choices / progress which seems a limitation for
> extensions).
> What IMHO would be ideal is a protection mode for spatial
> memory safety that simply adds traps (which then requires
> no library, has no issues with other warnings, and could
> evolve independently from clang) 
> So shouldn't we just add a -fboundscheck (which would 
> be like -fsanitize=bounds -fsanitize-trap=bounds just with
> more checking) and make it really good? I think many people
> would be very happy about this.
> Martin
>> For the following small example:
>> #include <stdlib.h>
>> struct annotated {
>>   int b;
>>   int *c __attribute__ ((counted_by (b)));
>> } *p_array_annotated;
>> void __attribute__((__noinline__)) setup (int annotated_count)
>> {
>>   p_array_annotated
>>     = (struct annotated *)malloc (sizeof (struct annotated));
>>   p_array_annotated->c = (int *) malloc (annotated_count *  sizeof (int));
>>   p_array_annotated->b = annotated_count;
>>   return;
>> }
>> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
>> {
>>   setup (10);
>>   p_array_annotated->c[11] = 2;
>>   return 0;
>> }
>> Should ubsan add instrumentation to the above reference 
>> p_array_annoated->c[11] inside routine “main”?
>> From my understanding, ubsan does not add bound checking for any pointer 
>> reference now, however, when the “counted_by” attribute is attached to a 
>> pointer field inside a structure, the “bound” information for this pointer 
>> is known, should we enhance the ubsan to instrument such reference? 
>> If Yes, then should we add the following limitation to the end user:
>>   When the counted_by attribute is attached to a pointer field, the 
>> -fsantize=bounds only work for such reference when the pointer is NOT casted 
>> to another type other than the original target type?
>> Thanks for any comments and suggestions.
>> Qing

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