From: Ronan Desplanques <>


        * gnat2.gpr: New file.

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on master.

 gcc/ada/gnat2.gpr | 54 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 gcc/ada/gnat2.gpr

diff --git a/gcc/ada/gnat2.gpr b/gcc/ada/gnat2.gpr
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..df648465812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/gnat2.gpr
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+--  The "2" in Gnat2 is arbitrary and is there because "gnat.gpr" already
+--  exists in the repository.
+project Gnat2 is
+   --  We need C++ as a language to force the use of g++ for linking. That
+   --  causes GPRbuild to emit a warning because we don't have C++ source
+   --  files, but it should be fine.
+   for Languages use ("Ada", "C++");
+   for Main use ("gnat1drv.adb",
+                 "gnatbind.adb",
+                 "gnatmake.adb",
+                 "gnatlink.adb",
+                 "gnatcmd.adb",
+                 "gnatchop.adb",
+                 "gnatkr.adb",
+                 "gnatls.adb",
+                 "gnatprep.adb",
+                 "gnatname.adb",
+                 "gnatclean.adb");
+   Build_Dir := external ("Build_Dir");
+   Generated_Dir := Build_Dir & "/generated";
+   for Source_Dirs use (".", Build_Dir, Generated_Dir);
+   for Excluded_Source_Files use
+     ("indepsw-aix.adb",
+      "indepsw-darwin.adb",
+      "ada_get_targ.adb",
+      "indepsw-gnu.adb",
+      "",
+      "seinfo_tables.adb");
+   for Object_Dir use Build_Dir;
+   for Exec_Dir use Build_dir & "/..";
+   package Builder is
+      for Executable ("gnat1drv.adb") use "gnat1";
+      for Executable ("gnatcmd.adb") use "gnat";
+   end Builder;
+   package Coverage is
+      --  To make building from the oldest supported compiler work, we copy a 
+      --  of fresh source files from the run-time library. We need gnatcov to 
not instrument
+      --  those files, so we add the clause below. It's unknown why only 
putting "GNAT" is sufficient???
+      --  We also pull in GNAT.Lists for example, but specifying it here 
triggers a warning.
+      for Excluded_Units use ("Gnat");
+   end Coverage;
+end Gnat2;

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