On 2024-11-05 14:19, Christophe Lyon wrote:

On Sat, 19 Oct 2024 at 19:20, Torbjörn SVENSSON
<torbjorn.svens...@foss.st.com> wrote:

With r15-1618-g9f168b412f4, I get the following asm generated for the test case:

         .align  1
         .align  2
         .global test5
         .syntax unified
         .type   test5, %function
         @ args = 4, pretend = 0, frame = 0
         @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
         push    {r4, r5, r6, lr}
         ldr     r4, [sp, #16]
         cmp     r4, #0
         ble     .L37
         sub     ip, r4, #16
         adds    r6, r2, r4
         adds    r5, r1, r4
         add     r0, r0, r4
         dlstp.8 lr, r4
         subs    r2, r5, r4
         subs    r1, r0, r4
         vldrb.8 q3, [r1]
         vldrb.8 q2, [r2]
         subs    r2, r6, r4
         mov     r4, ip
         sub     ip, ip, #16
         vadd.i8 q3, q3, q2
         vstrb.8 q3, [r2]
         vstrb.8 q3, [r3]
         letp    lr, .L39
         pop     {r4, r5, r6, pc}
         .size   test5, .-test5


         .align  1
         .align  2
         .global test8
         .syntax unified
         .type   test8, %function
         @ args = 4, pretend = 0, frame = 0
         @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
         push    {r4, lr}
         ldr     r4, [sp, #8]
         cmp     r3, #0
         ble     .L59
         dlstp.32        lr, r3
         vldrw.32        q3, [r0], #16
         vctp.32 r4
         vldrwt.32       q2, [r1], #16
         adds    r4, r4, #1
         vadd.i32        q3, q3, q2
         vstrw.32        q3, [r2], #16
         letp    lr, .L61
         pop     {r4, pc}
         .size   test8, .-test8

With r15-1619-g3b9b8d6cfdf, I instead get:

         .align  1
         .align  2
         .global test5
         .syntax unified
         .type   test5, %function
         @ args = 4, pretend = 0, frame = 0
         @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
         push    {r4, r5, r6, lr}
         ldr     ip, [sp, #16]
         cmp     ip, #0
         ble     .L37
         mov     r6, r3
         sub     r3, ip, #16
         add     r5, r2, ip
         add     r4, r1, ip
         add     r0, r0, ip
         dlstp.8 lr, ip
         sub     r2, r4, ip
         sub     r1, r0, ip
         vldrb.8 q3, [r1]
         vldrb.8 q2, [r2]
         sub     r2, r5, ip
         mov     ip, r3
         subs    r3, r3, #16
         vadd.i8 q3, q3, q2
         vstrb.8 q3, [r2]
         vstrb.8 q3, [r6]
         letp    lr, .L39
         pop     {r4, r5, r6, pc}
         .size   test5, .-test5


         .align  1
         .align  2
         .global test8
         .syntax unified
         .type   test8, %function
         @ args = 4, pretend = 0, frame = 0
         @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
         push    {lr}
         ldr     ip, [sp, #4]
         cmp     r3, #0
         ble     .L59
         dlstp.32        lr, r3
         vldrw.32        q3, [r0], #16
         vctp.32 ip
         vldrwt.32       q2, [r1], #16
         add     ip, ip, #1
         vadd.i32        q3, q3, q2
         vstrw.32        q3, [r2], #16
         letp    lr, .L61
         ldr     pc, [sp], #4
         .size   test8, .-test8

As can be seen, with r15-1619-g3b9b8d6cfdf, it now uses ip in ways that it did
not before. I think this part is fine.
It also, for some reason, decides to move r3 into r6 in test5 and then use
that later for the vstrb.8. While I suppose it does work, it will consume one
extra mov, so it's slightly bigger.

With below patch, I no longer see any failure reported for arm-none-eabi.

Even with the slight size increase for test5, is it ok for trunk?


Since r15-1619-g3b9b8d6cfdf, test5 and test8 fails due to that "ip"
might be used and r3 might be moved to another register for later


         PR testsuite/116623
         * gcc.target/arm/mve/dlstp-compile-asm-2.c: Align test5 and
         test8 with changes in r15-1619-g3b9b8d6cfdf.

Thanks for looking into this. That commit (r15-1619-g3b9b8d6cfdf)
caused several regressions, including this one.


Thanks Christophe!

Pushed as r15-4966-ge152a734337.

Kind regards,

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