On 24/10/2024 20:12, Torbjörn SVENSSON wrote:
> Ok for trunk?
> --
> With the changes in r15-1579-g792f97b44ff, the test_vmul_n_16x8 function
> does not contain any vdup.16 q* r* instruction with -mfloat-abi=softfp.
> The differnce between r15-1578-g5185274c76c and r15-1579-g792f97b44ff
> with -mfloat-abi=softfp for the function is:
>         .global test_vmul_n_16x8
>         .syntax unified
>         .arm
>         .type   test_vmul_n_16x8, %function
>  test_vmul_n_16x8:
>         @ args = 4, pretend = 0, frame = 0
>         @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
>         @ link register save eliminated.
>         vmov    d16, r0, r1  @ v8hf
>         vmov    d17, r2, r3
> -       ldrh    r3, [sp]        @ __fp16
> -       vdup.16 q9, r3
> +       vld1.16 {d18[], d19[]}, [sp]
>         vmul.f16        q8, q9, q8
>         vmov    r0, r1, d16  @ v8hf
>         vmov    r2, r3, d17
>         bx      lr
>         .size   test_vmul_n_16x8, .-test_vmul_n_16x8
> gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog:
>       * gcc.target/arm/armv8_2-fp16-neon-2.c: Expect 3 vdup.16 q* r*
>       when in arm_hf_eabi else 2.
> Signed-off-by: Torbjörn SVENSSON <torbjorn.svens...@foss.st.com>



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