On Fri, 4 Oct 2024, Jeff Law wrote:

> >   More importantly may I ask you to review the second paragraph of commit
> > 6c3365e715fa ("RISC-V: Also handle sign extension in branch costing") to
> > see if any of the other issues referred there have also been now sorted
> > and mention that in the change description, possibly with a commit hash
> > reference to Andrew P's recent improvements?  And in particular can the
> > branch costs requested be lowered for gcc.target/riscv/cset-sext.c now?
> So with Andrew's changes those tests are no longer sensitive to branch cost at
> all AFAICT.  I suspect we could just remove the explicit branch cost
> directives completely from the C tests.  They'd still be needed for the RTL
> tests since those are unaffected by Andrew's changes.  Thoughts?

 I expected this to be the case given the nature of Andrew's changes.  So 
my suggestion is to set `-mbranch-cost=1' with the C tests instead, so as 
to have the lack of sensitivity to branch costing covered now.


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