Hello world,

I just pushed Steve's patch for module support to trunk as obvious, as
https://gcc.gnu.org/g:2847a541c1f19b67ae84be8d0f6dc8e1f9371d16 .

Best regards



        * module.cc (bt_types): Add BT_UNSIGNED.


        * gfortran.dg/unsigned_kiss.f90: New test.

diff --git a/gcc/fortran/module.cc b/gcc/fortran/module.cc
index c565b84d61b..8cf58ff5142 100644
--- a/gcc/fortran/module.cc
+++ b/gcc/fortran/module.cc
@@ -2781,6 +2781,7 @@ static const mstring bt_types[] = {
     minit ("UNKNOWN", BT_UNKNOWN),
     minit ("VOID", BT_VOID),
     minit ("ASSUMED", BT_ASSUMED),
+    minit ("UNSIGNED", BT_UNSIGNED),
     minit (NULL, -1)

diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/unsigned_kiss.f90 b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/unsigned_kiss.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..46ee86ccd26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/unsigned_kiss.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+! { dg-do run }
+! { dg-options "-funsigned" }
+! Modern Fortran rewrite of Marsaglia's 64-bit KISS PRNG.
+! https://www.thecodingforums.com/threads/64-bit-kiss-rngs.673657/
+module kissm
+   implicit none
+   private
+   public uk, kseed, kiss
+   integer, parameter :: uk = kind(1u_8)  ! Check kind() works.
+   ! Default seeds.  Checks unsigned with parameter attribute.
+   unsigned(uk), parameter :: seed(4) = [ &
+   &  1234567890987654321u_uk, 362436362436362436u_uk, &
+   &  1066149217761810u_uk, 123456123456123456u_uk ]
+   ! Seeds used during generation
+   unsigned(uk), save :: sd(4) = seed
+   contains
+      ! Tests unsigned in an internal function.
+      function s(x)
+         unsigned(uk) s
+         unsigned(uk), intent(in) :: x
+         s = ishft(x, -63)                ! Tests ishft
+      end function
+      ! Poor seeding routine.  Need to check v for entropy!
+      ! Tests intent(in) and optional attributes.
+      ! Tests ishftc() and array constructors.
+      subroutine kseed(v)
+         unsigned(uk), intent(in), optional :: v
+         if (present(v)) then
+ sd = seed + [ishftc(v,1), ishftc(v,15), ishftc(v,31), ishftc(v,44)]
+         else
+            sd = seed
+         end if
+      end subroutine kseed
+      function kiss()
+         unsigned(uk) kiss
+         unsigned(uk) m, t
+         integer k
+         ! Test unsigned in a statement function
+         m(t, k) = ieor(t, ishft(t, k))
+         t = ishft(sd(1), 58) + sd(4)
+         if (s(sd(1)) == s(t)) then
+            sd(4) = ishft(sd(1), -6) + s(sd(1))
+         else
+            sd(4) = ishft(sd(1), -6) + 1u_uk - s(sd(1) + t)
+         endif
+         sd(1) = t + sd(1)
+         sd(2) = m(m(m(sd(2), 13), -17), 43)
+         sd(3) = 6906969069u_uk * sd(3) + 1234567u_uk
+         kiss = sd(1) + sd(2) + sd(3)
+      end function kiss
+end module kissm
+program testkiss
+   use kissm
+   integer, parameter :: n = 4
+   unsigned(uk) prn(4)
+   ! Default sequence
+   unsigned(uk), parameter :: a(4) = [8932985056925012148u_uk, &
+   &  5710300428094272059u_uk, 18342510866933518593u_uk,       &
+   &  14303636270573868250u_uk]
+   ! Sequence with the seed 123412341234u_uk
+   unsigned(uk), parameter :: b(4) = [4002508872477953753u_uk, &
+   &  18025327658415290923u_uk,  16058856976144281263u_uk,     &
+   &  11842224026193909403u_uk]
+   do i = 1, n
+      prn(i) = kiss()
+   end do
+   if (any(prn /= a)) stop 1
+   call kseed(123412341234u_uk)
+   do i = 1, n
+      prn(i) = kiss()
+   end do
+   if (any(prn /= b)) stop 2
+   call kseed()
+   do i = 1, n
+      prn(i) = kiss()
+   end do
+   if (any(prn /= a)) stop 3
+end program testkiss

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