On 9/5/24 6:18 AM, Raphael Zinsly wrote:
On Wed, Sep 4, 2024 at 8:35 PM Jeff Law <j...@ventanamicro.com> wrote:
On 9/2/24 2:01 PM, Raphael Moreira Zinsly wrote:
+unsigned long foo_0x4afe605fb5019fa0(void) { return 0x4afe605fb5019fa0UL; }
+unsigned long foo_0x07a80d21f857f2de(void) { return 0x07a80d21f857f2deUL; }
+unsigned long foo_0x6699f19c99660e63(void) { return 0x6699f19c99660e63UL; }
+unsigned long foo_0x6c80e48a937f1b75(void) { return 0x6c80e48a937f1b75UL; }
+unsigned long foo_0x47d7193eb828e6c1(void) { return 0x47d7193eb828e6c1UL; }
+unsigned long foo_0x7c627816839d87e9(void) { return 0x7c627816839d87e9UL; }
+unsigned long foo_0x3d69e83ec29617c1(void) { return 0x3d69e83ec29617c1UL; }
+unsigned long foo_0x5bee7ee6a4118119(void) { return 0x5bee7ee6a4118119UL; }
+unsigned long foo_0x73fe20828c01df7d(void) { return 0x73fe20828c01df7dUL; }
+unsigned long foo_0x0f1dc294f0e23d6b(void) { return 0x0f1dc294f0e23d6bUL; }
I must be missing something.  All the tests have bit31 on.  But I don't
think this synthesis is valid when bit31 is on and the code seems to
check this.  What am I missing?

The upper half is the one that is shifted so we check for bit31 of the hival:
bool bit31 = (hival & 0x80000000) != 0;
Maybe we should change the name of the variable to bit63.
Ah!  missed that it comes from hival...

But doesn't that highlight the problem. The lui/addi to construct the low bits will sign extend the result out to bit 63 which is why the synthesis doesn't work when bit 31 is on.

More concretely for:

unsigned long foo_0x4afe605fb5019fa0(void) { return 0x4afe605fb5019fa0UL; }

The resulting code looks like:

        li      a5,-1258184704
        addi    a5,a5,-96
        xori    a0,a5,-1
        slli    a0,a0,32
        add     a0,a0,a5

Which I think is wrong.

The problem is $a5 is going to have the sign extended low constant after the li+addi:


We invert that resulting in this value for a0:


We shift that 32 bits with a new value in a0:


So we have these values before the last step.

a5:  0xffffffffb5019fa0
a0:  0x4afe605f00000000

That can't be right.  That's going to result in:

         ^-- that should have been 0xf

The sequence will work if bit31 is off. Bit 63's value doesn't really matter.

It may help from a mental model to remember that the two input values to that final PLUS must not have any set bits in common. We're using a PLUS because it's more likely to compress vs an IOR. If we had used the more obvious IOR your sequence would have generated:



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